I can see using EA 40 for full length radius overlays. You'd just have to have the outer layer thick enough to adjust the limb pads for square and flat again before installing your hardware. Typically it should be close enough to adjust the limb pad surface using a long block with sand paper for fine tuning. Looking good!

I'm not sure whether i like the idea of gluing limb pad overlays on the limb butts using the bolts and a string to apply the glue pressure. As that wedge area in the limb flexes on the limb pad. the limb butt overly would be trying to hold that slight flex. I believe these may pop loose when shooting the bow, or even unstringing it, if it has enough flex to it...
I think you are better off building a slight reflex into the wedge area that flattens out on the limb pad when strung. You are actually getting some extra preload on your limbs doing this too. Food for thought... Kirk