Trad Gang Sponsorships

We offer a variety of ways to become a supporting Trad Gang sponsor. Read the following types of Sponsorships to find out which one you would need more info on. When you email us your inquiry, please include your Trad Gang member number if you are a registered member, your address, and your web address if you have one. All sponsorships are annual.

Click here for Full Sponsorship information: If you are running a business that is related to Trad Bowhunting and have a web page that promotes and supports your business then the Full Sponsorship would be required. Full Sponsors are also eligible to purchase ad banners.

Click here for Associate Sponsorship information: If you make or craft items yourself that are related to Trad Bowhunting or have items from time to time (staves, bow socks, etc) then you would likely be qualified as an Associate Sponsor.

Click here for Corporate Sponsorship information: If your business is not related to Trad Bowhunting but would like to sponsor the site and have your business name recognized on a list of Corporate Sponsors, then we also offer this type of sponsorship as well.

Click here for Contributing Member information: If you as a member would like to support the site individually all it takes is a small contribution to do so.

Click on the sponsorship link above that you qualify for to find out more info. Thanks for your interest in promoting Trad Bowhunting in a most positive light.

Trad Gang Admin