Many thanks to South Cox for offering these bows up for this season and the 2012 St Jude auction.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, ALL the bowyers that have done this prior have all put there best foot forward. South is no different....once again we have some stunning 'Gals' to take hunting with up.
Both Bows are 60 inch 50#@28...and will be leaving out this week.....
Originally posted by South Cox AKA Bivyhunter: Stalker Custom Recurves
Terry got in touch with me and asked me to post the woods for the two bows. Starting from the tips, Aussie Shane (he just came out to make a hunt with Steve Tadin, my camera man and assistant bowyer up in the Marble Mountains. He is still up there bear hunting as I write) supplied me with some Asiatic buffalo horn that I made the tips with. Under the tips is yellowheart and red fiberglass. Limb veneers are curly etimoe and mexican kingwood. The handles are macassar ebony and pau rosa. Fadeouts are of the same species as the handle material. Hope you guys enjoy shooting them! I am headed out tomorrow morning early for Colorado for mule deer and elk, but will get the build along pics I took up when I roll back into town and the dust settles.
Below is the list...with a few dates for the Lefty Faith still open.
The bows are in a case, and I shipped the case in the box they came in. If in the future the boxes deteriorate ....then the case can be shipped without the boxes if need be.....just be sure to tape the case closed in the 4 spots that will cover the latches for protection.
There is a bag in the case with the string and I have the string tied so it wont untwist....I'm sure the 1st shooters will get the string shot in and it will need to be re-twisted to brace. Please just tie the loops back together with the yarn I used to keep them from untwisting. There will be a list in the cases of the 'next' hunters and there addresses.
I also felt there might need to be some protection of the riser in case it contacted the I took a pair of wool socks and put each riser in a sock. Now, these aren't ordinary socks....they were Chris Surtees', we will also auction off the socks as a pair in the auction as well.
I put my name in for June for Hope since no one wanted June at this time, but I would give it up if someone has a jam up hunt they would like to take the bow own.
The last person on the list that ends up with the bows in June need to ship them to the auction winners. Thanks,...and GREAT Luck guys!!!
September Hope - Robert Carter
September Faith - David Torbert
October Hope -Dalton Lewis*
October Faith - Paul Mattson*
November Hope - Rick Wiltshire*
November Faith - Jesse Cales*
December Hope - Jerome Bischoffberger*
December Faith - Bud Blaylock*
January Hope - Ricky Couch*
January Faith - Gerardo Rodriguez*
February Hope - Michael Langahans*
February Faith - Tom Porter*
March Hope - Randy Keene*
March Faith - Don and Skyler Wilson
April Hope - Ken Gettman*
April Faith - Thomas Gilkerson*
May Hope - Larry Surtees
May Faith - Curt Cabrera
June Hope - Terry Green
June Faith - Jim Gilmer*