I'd like to introduce you to the St Jude's Rover Gals for 2009/2010....Miss Hope and Faith by Dryad!!! Mike 'wingnut' Westvang has stepped up and donated the bows for this years effort, and did an outstanding job let me tell ya!
I just got through shooting Hope, and this is a realy nice recurve design. Its a really good shooter and quiet, very quiet for a recurve and so I oped to leave off the Bow Hush as this bow doesn't need it. Whisper quiet with just Hush Puppies.
Inside the case is a journal to list name, date, location and animal if taken and you can even add a hero photo if you like. And a schedule list of names, addresses, and dates of hunters so we'll know who's got it when and where she goes next.
The twins will travel around North America hunting for a year with different Trad Gang members. At the end of the year each bow with her respective journal will be put up on our 2010 St Jude's Auction. Each hunter could also offer up the arrow he or she used to the St Jude's if they'd like, or they could keep it themselves as a memento. That option would be up to the individual. Anyway, we are going to keep them in hunting season all year.
The lefty, Faith is Osage with a Curly Bubinga swoop and overlays. Limbs are bamboo with canary wood veneers. She is 58” ntn and 53 @ 28.

The right handed bow, Hope is Osage with a Shedua swoop and overlay. Limbs are bamboo with canary wood veneers. She is 58” ntn and 53 @ 28.

The Gals will be leaving out Monday UPS....wish them luck!