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Author Topic: Cliff Notes 2003  (Read 2846 times)

Online Terry Green

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Cliff Notes 2003
« on: December 17, 2003, 05:04:00 PM »
My 23rd bow season is winding down.  Hope to make it through 23 more.  That would be nice.

Thought I'd share a few things I learned this year, and hope you guys might share a few things as well.

#1.  30 minutes in a clean scent free pair of hunting britches will give you up to a big boar hog. Who's nose is the same height as mid thigh palmettos.

#2   It is amazing what you can get away with hunting on the ground IF, you play the wind, sun, and camo accordingly.

#3  The perfectly executed shot, aint always perfect. This was a tuff one for me.

#4  Hunting camps are a constant.  More fun than you ever anticipate.

#5  Not necessarily new, but feel I should stress after this seasons events. Even more evidence that you should hunt through lunch.  Especially during a full moon, and during the rut.  Very important if you are hunting a really big buck.  If I had to choose one hour during the day to sneak out and eat, or what ever, it would be from 2:45 to 3:45 PM.

#6  Each season I tend to enjoy more than the last.

#7  Meeting and hunting with others adds a shimmer to one's journey.

#8  Next year, Lord willing, School will begin again.  I'll have a new note pad, and my pencil sharpened.
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"It's important,  when going after a goal, to never lose sight of the integrity of the journey" - Andy Garcia

'An anchor point is not a destination, its  an evolution to conclusion'

Offline Bowderek

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2003, 05:27:00 PM »
Somethings I learned this season

1. Sometimes you can be to close like 3 feet.

2. Hunting on the ground is alot more fun than sitting in a tree.

3. Coyotes are real fast but Grey squirrels are much faster.

Offline Hackbow

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2003, 06:11:00 PM »
There's been a lot learnin' in my 24 yrs with a bow, but these are my top 5 from this year:

1. Watching my child carry his bow into the woods after game for the first time was priceless.

2. Hunting with family and friends beats going by myself hands-down.

3. My success is defined by my enjoyment of the hunt. My enjoyment of the hunt is NOT defined by my success. (good thing too!)

4. Carrying items made by friends makes the hunt even more special. I had several friends go with me every hunt this year due to the gifts they shared.

5. I don't "deer hunt" as much as I used to. I now go hunting. If a squirrel, rabbit, pheasant or whatever decides to cross my path, I'll more than likely let an arrow fly and not worry about scaring a buck away.

Offline JimE.IV

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2003, 06:17:00 PM »
My 24th bow season was the absolute worst.

My best hunting buddy rarely went into the woods this season.  He was taking care of my Mother during her Chemo Therapy sessions and nursing her back to health.  

But this season was deffinately one that taught me the most.

I've learned a lot of things from my father growing up.  But this season I learned what means to be a man.  I leanered where priorties should be.  I learned what comittment truely means.

Most of my days in the field this season were spent in sarrow wondering what the future will hold. Even though those days in the woods were still able to cleans my soul and revitalize my mind, it wasn't the same this season.

Offline StanM

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2003, 06:30:00 PM »
1.  A big bull elk is BIG at 18 yards on the hoof, not so big lying on the ground at 20 yards, and absolutely HUGE lying on the ground point blank.

2.  Brand new, brand name camo, for the most part, ain't worth what it costs.

3.  Kids trump hunting.  Everytime.


Offline Timo

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2003, 07:08:00 PM »
1).There's a lot more bucks roaming the woods that you think!

2). Need to hunt "browse"lines more in the late season!(especially if snows on)!

3).Just because you get pics of a big buck, doesn't mean you'll ever see him in the daylight!
(Enny o yuns know ware thu heart o a stumpytail izz??)

Offline Raven

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2003, 07:51:00 PM »
What did I learn this season.
  1. Deer never do what ya plan.
  2. You can shoot at the same buck two different times in a week and miss  :bigsmyl:   and 3D shoots and ground hogs.....ITs NEVER OVER  :bigsmyl:  ..Raven

Offline kybowhntr

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2003, 08:00:00 PM »
The season isn't over here yet But ...........
  1. two missed = more fun than 1 hit by other weaponry
  2. it's possible to experience seasickness in a treestand.
  3. Raptors miss way more than they hit.
  4. Racoons den under rocks.
  5. A good friend is a traesure
  6. An understanding family is priceless.

Offline herb haines

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2003, 08:35:00 PM »
what i learned this season
1. a bit more about the property i hunt
2 . great family we have here
3. when you think it is just minor surgery , maybe you should ask  "[dntthnk]"   ,and no surgery in hunting season !!---- herb
"Heaven is just over the next ridge......"

Hello Darlin'

Offline Doug Campbell

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2003, 09:14:00 PM »
After 30+ years of toten a bow in the woods.

#1 that every time you get ta feelin a little cockey your gonna get knocked back down.

#2 that miracles do happen

#3 that with my family, friends, job and life in general I'm one of the most Blessed guys alive.

Life is wonderful in Montana!!
ABS Journeyman Knifesmith

Offline Black Bull

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2003, 09:31:00 PM »
All year I've been waiting for bow season opening.
the day prior bow season open ,I end up in hospital,my heart failed.In two months of hunting ,I went in the wood about 6 days.Kill a nice 7 points,163lbs empty.I would have like to be hunting every day.Maybe next year.But i enjoyed every second of it .The Lord is great.

 Taureau noir  :knothead:
The Lord made every animal and it is to us to manage it.
Canadian by fact,American by heart.

Offline Jason R. Wesbrock

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2003, 09:54:00 AM »
1. Six-year-old girls are excellent trackers.

2. Gray squirrels can string jump faster than a 10-point buck with a cafine overdose.

3. I'd rather hunt with good friends and not fill a tag than hunt solo and bring home meat.

4. It's alright to miss an 8-point buck at 18 yards as long as you get to watch your friend miss him an hour later at 4 yards (don't ask).

5. SPAM is not meat.

Offline OH at work

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2003, 11:32:00 AM »
1) Either elk hunting is getting harder or I'm getting older.  Did basically the same exercise routine as I did in the past to prepare for an elk hunt and this hunt was the hardest ever.  Will reevaluate the exercise regimen before our next elk hunt  :knothead:  
2) I'm with Jason---the guys I hunt with are great and we have a ball around the campfire  :)  
3) My wife is still the best hunting partner I've ever had.  Love to be out in the woods with her  :thumbsup:  
4) Thank the Lord for every day I can spend with my family and friends in the woods.


Offline Littlefeather

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2003, 12:19:00 PM »
1) The passing seasons with a bow in hand are like fine wine. Time only makes it better!

2) Hunting friends only make the times better. The moments should be savored as we never know what tomorrow may bring.

3)Texas deer duck! SHOOT LOW!

4)Never become complacient when trailing dangerous game. They will attack!

5)Carry a clean pair of underware in case #4 happens.

6)Pass on the knowledge you have gained to those who have not been as fortunate as yourself. It will be very rewarding and can develop into lifelong friendships.

7) Share, You can't take it with you!

Merry Christmas! I hope your future seasons are better than the last. Curtis

Offline shawnee

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2003, 12:21:00 PM »
Some things I have learned this season:

1.  I am truly blessed by God with a great family, good health, a steady job I love, and the opportunity to hunt on a small piece of family ground right next to the house.  

2.  Like the rest of you, hunting with family and/or friends creates some of the best memories ever, especially watching one of your kids growing up into a young  hunter.

3.  No matter how much fun hunting with family and friends is, sometimes I just have to get out by myself, and get my priorities back in order.  I truly cherish the time I spend in the woods, watching what the great creator has provided.  I don't think that anyone can spend time in the woods on a cold, clear, frosty morning, watching the earth come alive, and NOT believe that there is a God.

4.  We always need to remember that family should come first.  The rest will take care of itself.

5.  An understanding wife is a true joy.  This passion of mine would not be near as enjoyable without her.

Great topic, and great responses.
Well, who'da thunk it!

Offline lcoast

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2003, 12:55:00 PM »
Hackbow said it! Success ain't necessarily killing.

If you hunt on the ground and don't see deer, you are moving too fast.

My wife is the best hunting partner there is.

Life is awesome.


Busted chairs and broken dreams.

Online Charlie Lamb

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2003, 02:45:00 PM »
1. That fire ants don't eat much...they just feel like they are!

2. South Texas has more spiders than anywhere.

3. Huntin a feeder doesn't "guarentee" anything.

4. That "there ain't many rattlers around here", means don't walk out in the yard after dark in your bare feet!

5. South Georgia swamp huntin is totally cool and "ridges" aren't aways taller than I am.

6. That I have a "most delightfull accent". (according to a south Georgia gal!)

7.Fallin off a 7 foot rootwad into a 2 foot deep hole will take the wind out of the sails of even a tough young redheaded "hoss".
Hunt Sharp


Online Terry Green

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2003, 09:13:00 AM »
Thanks for sharing guys...I gained a few tips, a little insite, and had a few grins reading through those.

Anyone else?
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"It's important,  when going after a goal, to never lose sight of the integrity of the journey" - Andy Garcia

'An anchor point is not a destination, its  an evolution to conclusion'

Online paradocs

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Re: Cliff Notes 2003
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2003, 09:59:00 AM »
Lessons learned...
1. Never, under any circumstances, allow your bow to leave your bowhand.  Had the second largest buck I've seen on the hoof broadside at 6 yards for about 45 seconds.  Unfortunately, he arrived "unannounced" 30 seconds after I set the bow down for a handwarming break.  He pegged me right off, but never figured out exactly what I was; hence, the 45 seconds of agony.

2. There is always an upside.  Being able to describe in excruciating detail the attributes of the local monarch(perfectly symmetrical 10 pt, great mass, short brow tines, and an unusual reddish hue to his coat) adds credence to the wild goose chases I subsequently could send my buddies on..."He's massive, but you won't believe where I saw him.  Y'know that thicket 3 ridges over, on the other side of the swamp?  Get there before light, and I bet you'll get a crack at him.  Probably oughtta leave the cabin about 4 a.m. to give ya plenty of time.  I'd go myself, but yesterday's trek really tore up my knees.  I'm gonna hang close to camp today, recuperate, then try for Ole Rusty tomorrow." Two of 'em took the bait...suckers.  The above encounter took place within 300 yards of the cabin door.

3. Can't wait 'til my son is ready to go along.  It'll be nice to hunt with someone less gullible.

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