Linda and I arrived South Africa on 8/25 and her suitcase never left Atlanta. My 64" Brackenbury 54# bow was in that suitcase. My suitcase contained my backup bow: a 64" Samick Journey 50#. It was shooting about 55# at my draw length and is very similar to the Brack.
Before a trip, I get very particular on details. I do know that, once in the field, all that detail planning can go to the devil. But, still, I like to be prepared ahead of time.
I found that the two bows shot slightly different, probably due to how my hand fit. And, I shot the Samick Journey better (??). On my "cold shot" with the Journey, my arrows were slightly low. With the Brack, they were slightly high. So, I practiced exclusively with the brack.
Arrows were another thing. I have not been a big fan of heavy arrows, which will get some eye brows raised here. But, with lots of testing, and lots of excel files, I settled on a Gold Tip Traditional 7595, 300 spine, 31" with 40 grains attached to the insert and a 150 grain two blade Magnus Stinger. Total weight is 564 grains.
I was wanting to bring a 463 grain arrow, but listened in the end to those who like them heavier. And, there was almost no difference in the point of impact between the two at 20 yards. Plus the Gold Tips flew very nicely and were well tuned.