First afternoon after unloading and getting gear together it was to be my priveledge to hunt with Charlie Lamb.....this is what I looked like

As we were cruising around,checking spots,I just happened to see a javi cross the main sendero several hundred yards ahead.As we got closer, a couple more crossed.Charlie said, "get ready I'll drop you off,they'll be back".He was right,I made my first stalk on a javi that was about 70 yds from where I was....halfway to him.....I turned around to look behind me and see more coming out,right where I'd just come from!!
I settled back in,found a good hiding spot,and shortly could see more javi's back in the cactus.With my heart rate building,a single javi started out in front of me.I had the wind,the bush I was behind was moving,it was about to happen,and I hadn't even been out of camp an hour!!
I tightened the string as the javi came clear at 12yds....I let it get slightly 1/4 away and started my draw. The shot was good,but a little high,the Carbonwood 4000 tipped with a Snuffer 160 crashed thru it's spine and lodged into the opposite shoulder. She hit the ground and it wasn't long and I had this in front of me.......

I knew Charlie was working his way to my,so I waited for him to go after them.They moved off before Charlie could get close enough for a good shot,but this guy came out behind us,downwind...Check this out,I was almost witness to my man Charlie making a javi kill......
After that we got serious taking some pix.....

A picture I will cherish and appreciate even more as the years go on...thanks bud!!!

The evening hunt wasn't over just Snuffer would strike again....