INFO: Trad Archery for Bowhunters

Author Topic: Adam Gibbs  (Read 4230 times)

Offline Terry_Green

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Adam Gibbs
« on: January 16, 2007, 09:31:00 PM »
Real Name: Adam Gibbs
Nickname: hunt4life
Age: 15
Home State: Michigan
TradGang member number: 2608
Years trad bowhunting: since i was real little. not real sure

(TG)- Tell us about yourself.

(hunt4life)- well, im 15 and am going to be a sophmore in high school this year. I love to play sports. i also like fishing with the other kids in my subdivision.

(TG)- How long have you been bow hunting with traditional gear?

(hunt4life)- i have been bowhunting since i was legal age of 12 but have been shooting since i was real little.

(TG)- Any heroes? Any role models?

(hunt4life)- My dad. he taught me pretty much everything i know about hunting.

(TG)- What got you started bowhunting?

(hunt4life)- My dad

(TG)- Do you have any favorite memories or kills that stand out? Tell us about it!

(hunt4life)- With a bow, it would have to be a groundhog. Tough little critters. Had to shoot him 3 times before he died.

(TG)- Do you remember the first animal you took with a traditional bow? Tell us about it!

(hunt4life)- The groundhog I mentioned above.

(TG)- Can you tell us a bit about your preferred hunting combo?

(hunt4life)- I currently shoot a Fox longbow. 64" and 66@28. i draw 26 inches so it would be 60 pounds or so at my draw. I use really heavy hickory arrows that i just made up and a wensel woodsman broadhead.

(TG)- Do you have a mentor that helps with you bow hunting?

(hunt4life)- My dad helps me a lot and me and my cousins help eachother.

(TG)- What is your favorite animal to hunt?

(hunt4life)- Whitetail deer, no doubt.

(TG)- Does any of your family hunt or fish?

(hunt4life)- Yep, pretty much everyone.

(TG)- What are your bowhunting goals?

(hunt4life)- To kill a deer with my bow and arrows that i made.

(TG)- Do you make any of your own gear?

(hunt4life)- Just arrows. Getting pretty good if i may say so.

(TG)- Do you do any small game hunting?

(hunt4life)- Not really. just put some hex blunts on some arrows so if a squirrel comes by i might take a shot

(TG)- Tell us what your dream hunt would be.

(hunt4life)- I think Africa would be cool, but moose or caribou also sounds great.

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