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PowWow / Re: Book, Digital Book or Audio Book?
« Last post by kopfjaeger on Today at 09:46:12 PM »
Books. Especially old bowhunting books before the compound bows.  :campfire:
PowWow / Re: Your Favourite Bow
« Last post by Michael Guran on Today at 09:36:46 PM »
I have a few favorites and can’t pick just one.  This JD Berry Morning Star is one of them.  Riser looks to be rifle stock grade walnut.  I’ve had some shoulder issues the last couple of years and had to drop weight, but I’m feeling stronger and got it back out this week.  Still shoots where I’m looking and has some great mojo.
PowWow / Re: Book, Digital Book or Audio Book?
« Last post by Pat B on Today at 09:02:59 PM »
Maybe a trilogy.  :dunno:  :thumbsup:
The Bowyer's Bench / Re: Obsessed with a Stave
« Last post by Pat B on Today at 08:59:11 PM »
Years ago a friend gave me 3 osage staves that should have been in the burn pile. These three staves had about every malady a bow stave should have, knots, pins, twists, checks, bends...well you get the picture. That winter I put my mind and the knowledge I'd learned from other wood bow builders to work and by spring I had 5 shooters. Not pretty, not symmetrical, not straight but all worthy shooters. I learned more about osage and wood bow building from those 3 staves and few months than from any other bow building experience I can think of.
 Staves like this can really teach you a bunch if you allow it to. Looking forward to your progress and success.  :thumbsup:
PowWow / Re: Jim Reynolds "THUNDERSTICKS"
« Last post by Wudstix on Today at 08:20:44 PM »
Had a TS III 62" 65#@28" that walked out of my locked Ford F-150 along with much of my hunting stuff I had inside when I stopped at a restaurant after hunting and it's gone.  Replaced it with a 60" MOAB 62#@27" that is one of the best bows I have shoot.  Enjoy hammock camping and hunting hogs.  Met Jim at PBS San Antonio and he put the bug in my ear about the MOAB, so when my TS III walked is was a no brainer!!!  Got it with the same purple heart riser, bamboo cores, and curly maple laminations.  It was about the same poundage as my TS III but screamed an arrow.  Named Hallelujah, because those were the first words out of my mouth when I shot my first five arrow group with all the feathers touching, 18 yards. 
PowWow / Re: Asbell Wool ordering/shipping process
« Last post by Terry Lightle on Today at 07:56:41 PM »
Wait,it will get to you.It is July so still pretty warm.
PowWow / Re: New Bows for 2024
« Last post by Kirkll on Today at 07:52:35 PM »
That English walnut bow has a Bloodwood I beam.

Here is one with a radius back shaped riser and a G-10 i- beam.

PowWow / Re: HH BUG GOT ME - Part Three!
« Last post by toddster on Today at 07:49:41 PM »
Re read the "LONG FIX", went back outside applied few more things with swing draw and group tightened.  A lot of info in there on Hill Method.
PowWow / Re: Book, Digital Book or Audio Book?
« Last post by toddster on Today at 07:41:14 PM »
I love printed books.  Like everyone already said, tangible in my hand, go anywhere, no attchment to power.  Makes great library, which to me just feels like surrounded by that wisdom and legacy.  I tried digital not same for me.  Plus, I had several when it crashed and yep had to buy again. 
Audiobooks is my 2nd favorite, especially when travel in truck.  If dont have one a podcast is on.  Which that may be a more economic option.  Do episodes on stories, get feedback have guests on from tradgang.
PowWow / Re: Jim Reynolds "THUNDERSTICKS"
« Last post by toddster on Today at 07:32:26 PM »
I shot a MOAB, a guy at a shoot let me shoot it.  It light my eyes up with its smoothness, and pointability.  I could not afford one at that time.  Fast forward 8 years was walking a blanket sale at cloverdale, a guy had a thundermag.  I snatched it up and love that bow.  Finally a few years ago came across a thunderstick III, snatched that up.  Love that bow, 60" 55#.  Usually not a R/D lover, but Jim's bows has something special.
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