I am currently building two takedown recurves with students in my shop class. We have done this a couple of times before and many students really seem to enjoy the process. I am going to post a few pics and will continue to update until we are finished.

Riser block that has been rough cut - Shedua, Osage and Pao Ferro.

Limb materials all laid out and ready to go. Boacote limbs under clear glass with an osage wedge.

My student applying glue to the laminations and getting ready for the lay up.

Applying the last bit of glue to the wedge and getting ready to go to the form.

Putting the limb in the form.

All laminations taped down and ready for the pressure strip and hose.

Everything in the form and ready to put the air to it.

My student placing the limb in our heat box and leaving it for the afternoon. The other limb will go in tomorrow.
I'll keep this updated everyday. This is such a great project for my students. We live in a very whitetail rich area of Illinois and everyone of my kids bowhunts. Hopefully, many will be using traditional equipment next season.