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Author Topic: Management Advantage sponsor responses, please post them to this thread.  (Read 4673 times)

Offline JC

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Sounds like we need some email addresses. Maybe if a couple a hundred or more of us ask the question, he will find the right answer   :rolleyes:
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Offline vermonster13

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Todd Amenrud  [email protected]

Bobby Cole    [email protected]

Joedee Henry  [email protected]
Public Relations Content Manager
Mossy Oak
P.O. Box 757
200 E. Main St.
West Point, MS 39773
662.494.8859 x.234

This is what Joedee had to say. Sounds like none of them knows what the other is doing.
"We have not released any news about WHA"

To clarify, Mossy Oak owns Bio Logic now I'm led to believe. The original e-mail was sent to Mossy Oak/Bio Logic and the answer given to me by Bobby Cole is posted above in this thread. Then we received Todd's reply and I received Joedee's via another member.
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Offline Bill Carlsen

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Maybe I missed it but has anyone heard from Chuck Sykes? Is there an email address for him?
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Offline Ray Hammond

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I have some information for you about Mossy Oak- Toxey Haas sold off nearly all the ownership in BioLogic...they are not owned by MO any longer-Toxey has some personal ownership in it.

The responses that you have received are "off the mark" meant to deflect you from a true understanding of the situation.

We don't care if MO, or BioLogic, or Do-All, or Leaf River support WHA or not, do we? What we care about is letting them know they are shown as sponsors of Chuck Syke's show who DOES espouse great support for WHA...they are supporters by association.

I have mailed mossy oak all the camo I own with their name on it...with a letter in the box explaining my reason for giving it back.

Bill and others, I think we sort of wanted to keep our site "free of hackers" by not pointing people may be too late for that or I missed something but think we should not put links to our site on emails and letters. Copy and paste all the stuff you like but don't link to

We didn't hear back from Chuck, but we have his statement on WHA website and that's all we need.
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Offline vermonster13

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Well Bobby Cole has a Mossy Oak e-mail address, but he signed his letter Bio Logic.

Dear Sir,

Thanks so much for caring enough about our sport to take the time to send an email. I appreciate and respect your concerns. We at Mossy Oak and BioLogic are very passionate about hunting and its traditions. Its our lifestyle. We have the utmost respect for Chuck Sykes and the Management Advantage television show. Chuck loves the sport as much as any of us. Its my understanding that Chuck is managing the wildlife on the property to be used and they couldn’t have a better guy. I know in my heart he wouldn’t align himself or support anything that would harm our sport.

I don’t know many details, but I understand more info is coming on what the WHA is doing. I trust Chuck and I am willing to wait and see and keep an open mind. I’d like for us all to keep an open mind and see what this is all about before we make rash emotional decisions. At some point in life and business…you have to trust others….and I trust Chuck.

Thanks for your past support and I hope you will be willing to wait and see.

Bobby Cole


By the way I'm not willing to wait and see, that tends to not work out well if history has taught us anything.
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Offline vermonster13

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Here is a letter anyone can use that wishes to.

Here is the issue, I have read in several places Mossy Oak does not support the WHA. I see Chuck Sykes is supporting the WHA and your company is a sponsor of his show Management Advantage.  I would hope Mossy Oak picks who they sponsor with the same ethics and respect for hunting as Mossy Oak has shown in their own shows.  Chuck Sykes has written a letter of support for the WHA that is on their site and is very questionable, especially since he manages the herd of the resort where the WHA is planning to hold their first "event". I hope Mossy Oak will pick to sponsor individuals and shows with better judgement in the future. Chuck Sykes seems to be lacking in this area.
Thank you for your time,
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Offline vermonster13

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A fellow on another site got this response from Mossy Oak:

Just got back in the office last night to read all this e-mail about WHA. I have not had time to dig through everything that has been written yet but I can assure you that Mossy Oak is not in anyway supporting the WHA. No one takes the hunting heritage to heart like we do. It’s easy to figure out where we stand on these type issues by watching some of our TV shows. They have always been centered around average people, the critters, the land and most of all the experience. Thanks for your concern and stay vigilant.

Ronnie “Cuz” Strickland
SR. VP Mossy Oak
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Offline JC

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Sounds like Cuz needs to have a board meeting to get the rest of them on his page, don't it?
"Being there was good enough..." Charlie Lamb reflecting on a hunt
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Offline Ray Hammond

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I guess my call for not linking our site is like closing the barn door AFTER all the critters have got out! Sorry Bill - I didn't know we were so popular!!!!!!!!
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Offline lucznik

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Originally posted by Rob DiStefano:
The problem I have with Don Saxon (Vibrashine) is the same as the issues I have with Shane Leanna  (Do-All) and Todd Amenrud (BioLogic) - they all espose no affiliation with, or support for, WHA/Worldhunt, yet The Management Advantage website clearly lists them as sponsors ...      

... if your company is shown sponsoring The Management Advantage, you have aligned yerself with WHA/Worldhunt in the eyes of anyone reviewing the above website, and in your own best business interests you might want to consider contacting Chuck Sykes/The Management Advantage and ask for all mention of your business removed from that website.

Clearly, that's the message those businesses need to understand and enact upon.  

They need to walk their talk.
While I don't want to be seen as trying to dilute the importance of the issue, I feel I should point out that your logic here is not entirely correct.

As a part of my job I deal with organizing events for which we search for corporate (and individual) sponsors.  We then list those sponsors' names prominently for all to see and to hopefully generate revenue for them by way of somewhat passive advertisement.  However, just because a company chooses to sponsor our facility or a portion of one of our events, doesn't mean they support or even have knowledge of everything we are doing.

Mossy Oak and Biologic sponsor the show Management Advantage.  That is not the same as giving their support to WHA nor to concurring with Management Advantage's (or Chuck Sykes') support of WHA.  

I wholeheartedly agree that both Mossy Oak and Biologic seem to have had some trouble issuing a single, clear (and non-contradictory) statement as to their stand but, we also all need to be willing to allow them the opportunity to formulate that response before we all start sending back our camo.

It may be that they were planning on supporting the WHA and are now trying to come up with some way to deal with the (righteous) backlash without looking like a bunch of weinies.  It might also be true that they had no knowledge of Management Advantages' nor Chuck Sykes' involvement and are just now trying to formulate a response that both removes their name from association with WHA, while at the same time not destroying important business and professional relationships with MA and Mr Sykes. This is not an easy thing to accomplish and while I definately agree they need to get together and come up with a single, formal, and official response (rather than a slew of individual responses,) we need to give them the facts as we know them without laying judgement or ultimatums at their feet and allow them the chance to respond.
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Offline vermonster13

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The news of the WHA has been out for over a month now. The Sykes statement has been up for a few weeks. If these companies are unaware of what the folks they have business relationships are doing, then we did them a favor by pointing it out to them. But for a company that's business is totally dependent on hunting to claim no knowlege of an issue like this speaks volumes. That they have several different responses also goes to say how a company is operating. Every business has choices to make, Mossy Oak now has one. Sykes has aligned himself with the WHA, that reflects on all who do business with him. They are now aware of the issue and have to make the decision on where they wish to align themselves, if a few hunters wish to remind them who's been buttering their bread for all these years, they have every right to do so.
TGMM Family of the Bow
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Offline Ray Hammond

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Time is on the side of those operating this farce. Waiting is what they want us to do, because it means they get away with doing it and pay no price for it.

I for one do not believe, given that October is the date for the event, that we have any time left to waste on this...battleships, once a course is set, are difficult to stop or change takes miles...once advertising is committed, filmed, supplied, once commitments are made legally with contracts, its impossible to stop these things.

It has to be done now, with the few meager tools we have at our disposal. Once the poison gas is out of the bottle, it does no good to try and put it back..the damage is done.
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline vermonster13

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Ronnie was in a meeting, but his assistant has my number for him to call me so we can get this all straightened out once and for all. I will post as soon as we talk.
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Offline vermonster13

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The Quality Deer Management Association has come out in opposition of the WHA. They met with Farbman on July 6th.

 QDMA Opposes WHA
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Offline vermonster13

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Has anyone received any response from these sponsors yet?

Mega Outdoor Property
The Edge Outdoors
Brush Clearing Services, LLC
Great Day Inc.
Me Opta
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Offline BigRonHuntAlot

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Not yet...
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Offline vermonster13

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Just spoke with Cuz's assistant. All of the VPs of Mossy Oak are in meetings today and tomorrow. I recommended to her they may want to add the WHA to their topics of discussion. She said Cuz or Toxy should be getting back to me on it.
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Offline vermonster13

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Just spoke with Randy Russell. Mossy Oak has no association with the WHA and wil not have any association with them or sponsorship of them.
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