Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Member Videos
Hog Shot Placement and Shield clip.......
hunt it:
Great hog Terry! That shield really is unbelievable till you see it for yourself. That big hog I shot last night of Sweat had a shield 1/2" thick. The weight of the shield pulled the skin off as we skinned it. Once we had the shields off we layed them out and it was all anyone of us could do to drive a knife through that shield. I wish we would have had more time to let some of the guys shoot at shields with lighter poundage bows. I was using a 75# Morrison with 640gr arrows and only got 10" of penetration at 15 ft.Hit was directly behind shoulder and took out both lungs.
Terry Green:
The shield on that boar was nearly 2 inches thick where I hit him.
Seen shields before, but this one was VERY visible from over 50 yards way on the hoof.
Terry Green:
Here's a better pic of the ACE...sorry it took me so long....
texas terror:
ive also seen them with shields that are very defined. im nobody but i always try to get a slight quartering away shot and in the arm pit. i have never wounded one that way with a 45# recurve. like i said i aint no expert it just has made me more successful and kept me off the thick stuff.
highpoint forge:
Nice penetration. I always aim just behind their "elbow".......
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