Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Member Videos
Hog Shot Placement and Shield clip.......
Thanks for the video. Nice info.
Cool vid and pin point shooting as usual Terry.
Its hard to make oneself shoot right above the hog's leg on the body, seems like the bone will be there, but its not. The leg bone elbows forward and then back at the scapula. As Nicki Roth told me in Florida, "Everything behind the head is guts." Shoot right through that above the leg point or to pass between the legs on a quartering away shot. The heart lays right on the bottom of the chest you can't shoot too low.
Stone Knife, only the larger boars have a shield that heavy, but younger ones will have some thickening.
Boar Hog:
neat video
I think I need a bigger bow :bigsmyl:
Cool Video, Terry. Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks Terry thats good info! I have a hog hunt with Ray next month and am researching everything I can on how to hunt and where to shoot a hog. This was a very instructive video.
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