Trad Gang Highlights > HIGHLIGHTS 2016

My turn!

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I finally got time to sit in "My" stand with my bow last night but when I got there the wind was 180 degrees from what it was supposed to be. So I sat on the ground in a brush pile on the opposite side of the feeder. This guy came in about an hour after dark. He was on pins and needles even though no one has hunted this stand since the middle of deer season. My feeder light may have made him nervous. He was about 15 yrds and was broadside when I shot. Now my bow is amazingly quiet but he still spun at the shot and I hit him in the shoulder. But my razor sharp 2 blade 145 grn eclipse did what it was supposed to do. As well as my sting tracker from Chad Orde. He went about 80 yrds. Weighed 230#  

Nice one congrats sir....


that's a lots a pork!!
congrats  :thumbsup:

Nice one, Randy!!!



Awesome Hog!


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