Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics
St. Judes Okeechobee Hog Hunt
sunny hill archer:
This was the absolute worst hunt I have ever been on in my life!!!!!!!!!!! The food was bad and the hunting was worse. The company was terrible. Nobody needs to waste time and money on it next year....Please??????????
Seriously, I had the time of my hunting life. I'm working on the pics and the story. It's coming.
If you do insist on bidding it will cost you. :bigsmyl: :bigsmyl:
Terry Green:
OKEECHOBEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Its not just for Bass anymore. :jumper: :jumper: :jumper: :jumper: :jumper:
Dang, it's about time fellas...I was about to bust holding back!!!!!!!
TGer''re in for a real treat with this one...I guarantee it!
A very generous,deserving winner of the hunt, a special bow, a great host, and most of all.....SOME AWESOME HOG HUNTING!!!!!!
I can't wait to see more pix :pray:
OK, now I'll just wait......... :(
Charlie Lamb:
Yeah Curt, it's just like these guys to drag it out!
I'm gonna wait till morning and hopefully read with a nice hot cup of coffee.
Yeah...they've got some nerve :goldtooth: :biglaugh:
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