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Animal Shot Placement Pics

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Some basics on javi's







Terry Green:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by Guru:
Been meaning to do this for a while, and since the seasons will be here before we know it, now is a great time to share some pix and personal experiences.

I'm no expert turkey hunter and certainly not a turkey biologist. But I have been chasing them for a while, and I pay attention and notice the details.

That being said, I'd just like to share some of what I've learned and hopefully help some others along the way.

I have a couple hunts, the shots, and the results to share through text and pictures.

A couple basics with turkeys...

- unlike deer and other four legged critters we persue, and turkey's vitals are at the top of their body, just under and right up against the backbone.

- it's about impossible to hit a turkey "too high", as you'll see in the pix to follow, everything that keeps a turkey alive is in the upper 1/3 of their body.

- like the boys from Double Bull used to say, "high they die, low they go".

- on a broadside bird, I aim to hit a gobbler just in front of the thigh and high. A little high and you sever the backbone, a bit forward and you hit the front of the vitals just behind the wingbutt. If it's a bit back, you shoot throught the thighs, a shot some archers prefer anyway. Just remember, higher is better and in some pix to follow, you clearly see why.

-a shot from the back gives you an even bigger target. A centered hit anywhere from the back of the skull to the base of the tail will almost always anchor the bird on the spot. Slightly off the spine either side still has a chance of punching vitals.

- on quartering shots,remember to adjust where you want your arrow to enter. Further forward on quartering toward, and further back on quartering away. But again, always keep it high!

- don't worry about shooting through your turkey. Turkeys have very hard bones and tough feather quills. I perfer not to add anykind of "stopper" behind a broadhead. Let the blades do the job they were meant to do!

First off, some great anatomy pix I pulled off the web that shows ,by a series of over lays, just how a turkey is put together...





Another good diagram that shows the bone structure really well...
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Terry Green:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by Guru:
Slightly quartering away shot...

The broadhead took the gobbler high, just in front of the thigh...

And came out right behind the wing butt...

Skinned out...this is once again where the arrow entered.The knife point(Chris Surtees' "Cutter") is on the wing butt.   I've tried to outline as best I could about where the vitals, and entrails lay in the body. The heart, lungs, liver are in the front outlined section...


Where the arrow exited...

Next is an eye opener...
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