Trad Gang Highlights > Highlights 2006
Montana Whitey Season '06
Randy Morin:
I got the first doe on Nov. 1. The second Nov. 8. Then I had the mother of all days on Nov. 14 taking both bucks, the smaller of the 2 around 9 AM and the bruiser at 12:45 pm. I was shooting a Morrison Shawnee Arapaho...57# @ 28", Carbon shafts, WW heads. 520 grains. All deer ran about 80 yards and fell in sight.
WOW, That's a Sweet Year. Congrats on the fine shot placement :thumbsup:
Just awesome bro!!! We need to get together next time....
Jason R. Wesbrock:
Heck of a year. Congrats!
Man thats what i call a great season! Congrats.
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