Trad Gang Highlights > Highlights 2006

First deer with a longbow!

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I recently switched over to using a longbow. I went out on state land this morning to my favorite spot. We are in the middle of gun season right now, so the pressure on these deer is insane. I had a hunter sit down 50 yards from me at first light. He shot a doe and drug it out right under my stand. I decided to stay put anyway. This doe came in with two others at 10:30am. She was quartered to me at 12 yds. I slipped the arrow between her neck and shoulder. She ran for 50 yards and went down. The best result of not giving up!!!

Congrats Arwin, Where did ya get that go to hell hat? Love the pic Bud, What kinda bow and what are the specs. Thanks  :bigsmyl:

Well done Arwin!!

Terry Green:
Your 1st????    :goldtooth:

I got this lady during gun season which is why I have the flaming hat. LOL! Public land is full of wacko's and it keeps me from getting tagged. Yeah this is my first with a longbow,been using recurves for the last five years. I don't think I'll go back to a curve, the longbow is so smooth. It's a Navajo Caddo, 52#@28 or 47# at my draw. I used 2013's with 160 grain ACE heads.


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