Main Boards > Recipes/Grilling/ Barbecuing/Smokers

Smoked and braised venison shoulders


I just put this video together of one of my favourite ways to cook venison shoulders.

Mike VanBuren:
Excellent! Thanks for sharing.

I would have a hard time not eating those shoulders right out of the pan! Looks delicious....I'm definitely going to try this!

Looks great!  I hope I’m successful and get to try it.  Come on October 1st!

Thanks for the interest! It's been a little while since I posted this.

I have another great video recipe on the same channel of braising a venison neck and making ragout. It was a favourite dish in my household over our cooler months. Things are warming up now but I have the chance to put a few more critters in the freezer over the next couple of weeks.


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