Legends and Pioneers > Glenn St Charles

Glenn St Charles

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Nason Creek 1959  ... Glenn and his 9 year old son Jay

This mule deer that Glenn took in Nason Creek stood as the #1 mule deer in Washington State for many years and was the P&Y World record from 1959-1962, at a score of 182-6/8.

Nason Creek was an archery only game management unit for many years but sadly it is not any more.


All of these bucks came from Nason Creek in a half mile radius of one another. The area is between Thompson Ridge and McQue Ridge. I hunted there many times in the mid to late 70's and saw my biggest mule deer buck there I have ever seen … and buck fever got me !


Glenn had a saying " be a trophy hunter until something else comes along " … not all bucks were whoppers but even the young mule deer bucks were big


Glenn hunting for sheep in the first Little Delta hunt, 1957

Note the back quiver, this was one of Glenn's many archery designs. Two of these have been sold in Trad Gangs St Judes auction the last few years !


1957 ... Glenn with a fine 180 # Montana cougar


In 1939 with Glenn's involvement, the Washington State Field Archery Association was formed to give archers " one voice" in trying to expand bowhunter opportunity in Washington. In 1940 the Mad River area was the second area granted to bowhunters, the first was an area called Eight-Mile. Glenn and his band of bowhunters were the Pioneers of bowhunting in Washington State.


1948 Bow and Arrow Reserve - a nice buck taken by California bowhunter " Wild Bill " Childs … from left to right, Orlin Lawson, Tommy Loveland, " Wild Bill " Childs and Glenn St Charles


Glenn purchased this raw property in 1949 and began building Northwest Archery ... It would become their home, shop, and business.





West end of the Museum in Northwest Archery


East end of the Museum in Northwest Archery


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