Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics

Blessings of THE GREAT HUNT-pics added page 5

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Shucks Charlie,I knew you'd pull it off all the time!Thanks for the ride.
 What's that saying Vance...Ya pays your money,ya takes your chances!Good Luck with the Missus.

Terry Green:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by Charlie Lamb:

What more can I say. Last day, and almost last minute, with my oldest, bestest friend along to savor the victory.

It shoulda been a beer commercial!
--- End quote ---
Now where have I heard that before?????   :D  

Those last minute showdowns are becoming the norm on the The Ryegrass.  :bigsmyl:   on my face boys.

Congrats fellas.....CONGRATS!

Thanx for the hunt guys, could smell the coffee in the mornin.

Congrats Charlie  :thumbsup:

Vance, gettin' back in good with the Bride should be a piece of cake for an old smoothie like you!  :pray:  

"What's that dear? Right away...sorry, gotta go"!



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