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Arrow ID Please


Kodiak Fan:
These just sold on the big auction site for $850 with delivery.  Can anyone ID these for me?  Thanks.  JV

Lucas K:
I was watching the auction, I don't know anything about them but am interested! They look like arrows from before 1940 to me, but I am only guessing.

They are California By Products heads mounted on self nocked hunting arrows. The nocks actually have a horn insert.  One of them is now in my display case.  Pretty cool arrow.  You can see it in the photo attached. 5 down from the top.

Kodiak Fan:
Thanks for the information.  Nice display.  JV

Thanks, the other 4 arrows have gone to other collectors.  It’s a pretty rare head, and having it on an original hunting arrow from the 1920s make it pretty special.


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