Main Boards > Prayers/Concerns/Honors/Ailments

Loss of a Warrior and Traditional Archer

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It is with a heavy heart and a broken soul that I share with those on Trad Gang the loss of my best friend Russ Clagett. Russ was a member of this forum having come to know many here initially while he was serving in in the US Army in Iraq. Many here helped me introduce him into the world of Traditional Archery by various donations to him and his troops while they were overseas either in Iraq or Afghanistan.

 We had thought the tolls of war were behind him after he retired as a SgtMaj and started a second career. But a combination of service-related damage to his lungs and the dreaded Covid was a battle the warrior in him could not win.

 I have been busy in the past weeks keeping a promise we made to each other up on a mountain top so many years ago. Having both entered dangerous careers we knew someday one of us may not come home and promised to take care of each other's family should that day come. I never imagined it would be like this, but the promise is being kept. To all that exchanged your knowledge and stories with Russ, Thank You. He was always listening and learning. Although a master of his craft as a sniper traditional archery was always mystical to him.

 Later this year when the fall colors start to change, we will make our final horseback ride together up high on an Arizona Mountain. The Bull Elk will be bugling, and the air will have that crisp feel that makes you withdraw a little deeper into your wool. That is where my friend wanted to be, a place where his traditional soul soared.

Jim "Canyon" Coffey



Sad news.  :pray:

Sorry for your loss.

Canyon, sorry for you loss.  Prayers being offered from Pa.


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