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Super Duper Hog info thread

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Lost Arra:
Curtis: please explain the "coaxing" with scent or sound. Thanks

Great information!! This will be my fourth year down and I've taken 5 hogs on the last three trips and didn't know some of that.

I shot a Dominant Hog my first year stalking, but his attention was diverted by the hot babe in front of him.  Hopefully I can use some of this to get another Dom Hog this year.

You did a great job of pointing everything out, and what a great idea.  I'll be sending that link to some of the first time hunters that are going down with me in two weeks.

thanks curtis,
Ionian and I are planning a hunt for later this fall, about 3rd week of october. don't know really where to start or where to go. if anyone wants to point a couple newbies, well one newbie and one hunter (nick) to some hogs, drop me a line.
again,great thread curtis, i'll be hangin on it.

Terry Green:
Matt Schuster and RC kill a lot more hogs than anyone I know in GA........Might get RC to chime in, but Matt stays pretty quiet....I'll give him a poke and see if he'll yelp.

In the mean time.....I'm all ears Curtis.


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