National Bowhunting Orgs > Compton Traditional Bowhunters

Got the News letter

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Ron LaClair:
The news letter hit my mail box today, anyone else get theirs? It's a good looking magazine with 30 pages and lots of news and pictures of the Rendezvous. Those of you that wern't there  can now read   :readit:   and see  :saywhat:   what you missed

P.J. Petiniot:

I haven't received my copy yet. I guess the Indiana boys get theirs after the Michigan boys.


Ron LaClair:

The printer is in Grand Rapids Mi. only 60 miles from me and it still took 2 weeks to get to me by bulk mail.

Bret Cagle:
If I only lived 60 miles from the printer, I'd go pick it up!  This waitin is killin me.  LaClair, ain't you supposed to be chasing elk by now?  Good luck on your trip.  BC  :smileystooges:

Jason R. Wesbrock:
I haven't gotten mine yet. But then again, our mail comes through Chicago. It's probably in someone's basement, or smoldering in an alley behind some tavern.


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