National Bowhunting Orgs > Compton Traditional Bowhunters

A Walk in the Woods

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Ron LaClair:
For all Compton members that are wondering about the News Letter, I just talked to Nick Gray, the editor and he said it was at the printer. He is waiting for a proof and as soon as it is approved it will be in the mail.

This issue was held up so it could include news and pictures from the Rendezvous in June. Nick said this will be the best issue to date.

Terry Green:
Great Ron.  Glad you got to be the one to christen this forum.

Looking forward to seeing the Rendezvous Pics.

Jason R. Wesbrock:
Can't wait to see it Ron. The Rendezvous was an outstanding time!

Roger Norris:
Just don't publish any photos of Jasons legs (or my gut)  :bigsmyl:

I'm looking forward to it, later, Harry


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