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I'm Back - great hunt

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Wow what a hunt.  I can't say enough good things about Makalaan Safaris.  Antonie and Melinda were great hosts and the hunting was super.

I harvested:
Zebra, Impala, Kudu, Gemsbuck, Wildbeest and Worthog.  Still had time for 3 days of seeing some of the game parks.  Took a lot of photos and ate the wildgame every meal.  It was the trip of a life time.  If anyone has thought about going to Namibia, I would highly recommend Makalaan Safaris.

When I get more time, I will have to ask for some help to post some photos.

Just wanted to thank everyone here for their assistance with all my questions.  I will also send the Shot Placement books back.  FYI - 4 of the 6 animals I took were heart shots.  Antonie kept telling me that I could shoot a little higher and still be OK, however these shots were perfect.  So, now all the dumb animals are gone, the rest of you will have to hunt the smart ones. ha

Thanks ALL!!!!  Will ask for help when I get time to post photos.  Maybe I need to send them to someone and let them post for me?

Congratulations Gene! Sounds like a fantastic hunt. I can't wait to see the photos, sorry I am no help with posting them.

Wow, that’s a dream list...congrats!
You have to give more details than this this though...

BTW, I’ve yet to see a dumb zebra..

mj seratt:
Glad to see you back, and happy you had a good hunt.  Look forward to hearing the details.


Had a wonderful hunt.  All the bags arrived without any problem. Took two bags with a bow and dozen arrows in each bag.  The flight to Namibia was LOOOONG.  Was suppose to go from Denver to JFK, then to Joburg then Windhoek Namibia.  Well flight from Denver to JFK got canceled.  Had to go from Denver to LA then clear back to JFK and on to Joburg.
First day of hunt -
Had nice Eland bull come in, but I hadn't planned of shooting one, so let him pass.  Got to save something for next time I guess.  Next some Zebra came in.  I was told do not shoot the stallion.  When the stallion dies, his subordant will then become fertile and take over the herd.  However he will kill the foals of the previous stallion.  So I shot a nice "dry" mare.  Usually we wait for an hour before tracking.  My tracker took off after 10 minutes, but told me to stay.  He came back about 10 minutes later with his head down.  I was feeling poor about the shot.  Might have been a little low in the shoulder.  He walks up and says "DEAD", then smiles.  After loading and transporting Zebra to camp, I went back to hunt again.  Next some nice Impala came in and I got a shot off at a nice bull.  I saw him run off to about 100 yards into the trees with arrow out both sides.  That shot was also a little low and I was worried again.  Tracker took off and came back in a few minutes - "DEAD" and another smile.  Wow, two animals in the first day.  I have photos of all this, if I can get some help loading them???? Help?  Day 2 coming soon


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