Legends and Pioneers > Howard Hill

HH bug got me ... Part One!

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The HH bug has bitten me as well!   It all started when I bought a Wesley Special off of Mike "GRAPES" Vines.   After shooting it for the first time, my Black Widows have gathered dust ever since.   With the right arrow, these things hit right where you're looking!   I gave in to this new malady when I snagged the HH Black Bear off of the classifieds this morning!   Thank God the wife gave an enthusiatic blessing to proceed!  
     Which bow and what kind of riser wood did you order Ben?   I really liked the ebony riser on the bow you unveiled to us on Christmas!   Sharp!

Better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission!  :smileystooges:  

Since I have some ammunition,let me see here. How about..................

You gotta love it!!!  I`ve said this many times, A Hill bow may not be the fastest,easiest to master or short and easy to move around in a blind in but they are the most enjoyable killers to shoot.RC

Got this itch for a wesley special with ebony handle.First will have to explain the Redman that I'm shootin now!   :nono:

KPaul that's easy, "every man has to have a back up bow" Wives have back up pocketbooks don't they?


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