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Broadheads & other collectables
Charlie Lamb:
Very nice Ron! We're gonna have to get together. I love that stuff.
Earl E. Nov...mber:
I got started a couple of years ago. I started looking to get a set of Bears. That took a little while, but not that long. Next I thought I would do the Ben Pearson's. I bought a bunch of arrows with Deadheads on it, and in a box there was this little Forged head, approx 3:1. I posted something on "The other place" and a guy by the handle of "Raghorn" replied and helped me identify it as a Ben Pearson 788 improved. Life hasn't been the same since. Now the Raghorn tries on a regular basis to keep me on the straight and narrow, but it is a tough job. I still don't have my Ben Pearson's and probably never will. The list has 48 heads listed for Ben, and several others are known that he sold, but aren't listed. Also the different color Switchblades are not listed seperatly, but I sure would like to get a set. (Just in case anyone has any of the different colored ones for trade)
Hey Guys Jus kinda gettin in to trad stuff but startin ta gather alot of cool stuff to me. I helped my uncle move an dug aroun in som stuff he was gonna trash an got maybe a treasure maybe not. I'v got shippin invoices from Bear in Grayling in '66' how big was Bear then,Think it mite be Fred's handwritin. He had a archery shop in 66. I'v got bow registration card on som bow he sold. ya know what dealer cost on a Kodiak Mag was in 66 $38.97 how many ya want. :D a super mag 48 was $53.97. He got 5dz Razorheads fer $21.42. :D does anybody have a 66 or 67 Catalog like to check ser# to see what some are. Also found 5 or 6 bear strings in the packs an 2 bear fishin reel 90# strings in new cond. few broadheads and a fred bear record album. I cud get in to collectin this kinda stuff. He had 2 partners in the shop 1 still alive, gonna research this ferther :D see if he's still got som stuff. :D :D TJ :D :D
I started out collecting Kodiak Magnums but have turned my attention to Broadheads. I collect only the glue on heads. Met a lot of very nice people, like The Last Kodiak, and have had the opportunity to pick up some really nice heads.
I'm pretty new to broadheads (been collecting for about a year and a half) and don't have alot to offer as traders but would love to hear from other collectors or fellow ABCC members.
Hi Cris!!! :bigsmyl:
Good to see you here!
The Last Kodiak is still trying to butter me up!
Trapper John:
The Fred Bear Record I have seen on ebay a few times but I never watched one to the end to see what they have sold for. It sounds to me like you have a nice start of Bear collectable items. Bear archery was very big in the 60's, that is when they were in Graying Mi. I have one of the wonderful Bear Catalog The Grayling years CD. It covers 1948 -1978. 1965-1969 were the only years the the serial was good for dating. The 1st digit is the year,ie; 6=1966
I really doubt that invoice was Fred's writing as the company had several hundred employees then. But then again, mmmmm, could be!
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