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I'm Back - great hunt

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Thought I would mention, I was shooting a 70 lb takedown recurve.  Have been shooting it for probably 25 years now.  Also using Gold Tip shafts with 100 gr. brass inserts and 200 gr. Rocky Mountain Cuttroats single bevel heads.  This is my first experience with these heads and I was really impressed.  Got them from Rock Mountain Speciality shop and they touch them up to razor sharpness.  I had plenty of bow power and great arrow setup for all the animals I shot.

Mike Yancey:
Looking forward to the pictures! I knew you would love it.

Welcome back, and congratulations on a great time.  Hopefully you will be able to post pictures. Nice shooting, and I am sure that Antonie was very pleased to not have to do any long tracking.  I passed on an a pair of Eland bulls at  midday after taking a cow, and they told me that I passed on the chance of a lifetime as they just don't usually do that.  Never saw them again, but the cow had big old long horns and I was happy enough...but had the same reaction: ya gotta leave something for next time.
Which of the game meat did you find to your best liking: I ate quite a bit of gemsbok while there, but I think that eland was probably the best, while admittedly enjoying all of it

Planning next trip yet?


We ate wild game every meal - like you said, a lot of gemsbuck and kudu.  Really I loved it all.  My wife is very picky about what she eats, but she also loved it all.

Day 2 - A nice herd of Kudu came in with one really nice bull.  As I was looking them over from the pit blind, my tracker gave me the thumbs up again and whispered "Nice bull".  I took my time and waited for a good broadside shot.  I was so excited to be looking as such a nice animal this close.  I placed an arrow on the string and began a slow draw, when the tip of my bow touched the top of the blind, which was metal.  The animals spooked and jumped about 10 feet and stool looking around.  What a stupid mistake by me, but I was really excited and didn't notice the clearance problem.  I was shoot a 62" bow and I stand 6' 2".  The Kudu settled down and stepped back closer.  I checked the bow clearance and then bend down some for more clearance.  I came to full draw and looked at the top of the shoulder.  I don't remember the string release, but saw the arrow strike.  The it was like a bomb went off and animals ran every where.  I turned and my tracker "Donutas" said "Good Shot".  I felt the shot was a little low and expressed my opinion.  He shoot his head and said again "Good Shot".  We waited about 10 minutes and he took off tracking.  My wife and I got out of the blind and walked out to where the Kudu was standing and saw blood everywhere.  Donutas was only gone about 10 minutes and came walking back with both halfs of my arrow.  He walked up and said "DEAD" and got a big smile on his face.  We went out and took photos then had him taken to camp.  Antonie (owner) again said, Gene you can shoot a little higher, BUT that was a perfect shot.  It turned out to be another heart shot.  Antonie had us get back in the blind.  We had lunch, but I couldn't hardly eat anything.  I was still wired from the experience.  I had to settle down quickly as several Gemsbuck came in.  Again, Donutas whispered "Nice Bull" and gave me the thumbs up.  Wow, I was going to get two shots in one day, both at great bulls.  Again I waited for a perfect broadside shot, then let the arrow go.  Donutas told me "Good Shot" again.  However just like the last shot, I felt I was a little low.  Ten minutes later, Donutas was out of the blind and tracking the Gemsbuck.  My wife and I got out of the blind and I was really worried about the low shot.  Donutas came walking back and said "DEAD" and smiled.  We shook hands and he said both were great shots.  As it worked out, the arrows were actually going up hill through the animals, as we were that low in the blind.  Antonie arrived and we took more photos and hauled the Gemsbuck back to camp.  That was enough for me that day.  I just couldn't take more excitement.  I watched as the skinners did their job and they showed my the heart with a nice cut through the middle of it.  I was on a roll!  What a day - I couldn't imagine a better day of an old bowhunter like me.  In fact I had 3 beers that night before supper.

Well, you can not have a better day 2 than that, and I sure hope that you get those pictures posted.  Was this from the grass covered pit blind?  If so then this is a remarkable deja vu as my first animal there was the best kudu seen of the trip and I managed to muff the shot (but fortunately overcame my jitters and took a replacement later on)

looking forward to more stuff AND PICTURES


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