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Author Topic: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.  (Read 25268 times)

Online Charlie Lamb

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The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« on: October 13, 2006, 01:52:00 PM »
Just when you thought it was safe to go near your computer....
Hunt Sharp


Offline Littlefeather

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 01:55:00 PM »
Like an old song blast from the past "Ol' Joe sure knows how to live". Be safe Bro! CK

Offline TXRED

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2006, 01:57:00 PM »
Oh No!I can't bear to look...Not!C'mon Uncle Charlie,lay it on us,we can take it!
    Too young for Medicare,
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Online Charlie Lamb

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2006, 02:13:00 PM »

Got a shock the other day when I finally got caught up with my honeydo list after 2 months of western adventure.
I wonder if Fred Bear had to clean up the yard?

Anyway, the property that I'd hunted last year near the house was slated for early death by subdivision and I'd anticipated not hunting it this year.

The land had gone under the blade. I mean every living thing that wasn't a mature tree was bull dozed. It looked pretty bleak.

It looked pretty bleak until I realized that the deer that were use to hanging out on this property still visited the same mast trees that they had when there was undergrowth. Now they come on the property at night from neighboring properties that still have cover.

The first sign I found of consequence was under a red oak near the fringe of cover bordering a big bean field.
Going on first impressions of the feeding sign I put up a hang on stand near the oak.

The first night I sat the stand I saw 12 deer in the beans. One group got past me on, what ole Butch would call, a sneak trail. I made a note of the trail.

When they had come out in the beans, they eventually worked their way over to another red oak and spent considerable time there eating.
Another mental note was made and the decision to check out that oak more closely.

Which is just what I did the next day around noon.

I was so sure that I could catch the deer there, that I brought along a hang on for the tree.

Sign was good under the oak and I went ahead with the plan.
Now every year I go through this period where nothing I do goes easy. In particular the hanging of the first stand or two of the year.

This tree was no exception to that rule.

I fought the dang tree steps up one trunk of the double trunk oak until at around fifteen feet I stopped and hauled up the stand.

Strapped up good, but hanging precariously off balance I did the "you need three hands and only have two" waltz with the mighty oak.

With the stand pressed against the tree with one hand I slung the chain around the mighty bole with the other.

It came up a foot short of reaching all the way around. I was a tad miffed... with a capital F!
I had no extension with me and hadn't thought about it.

I took the whole works down and went off to sit in the first stand.

Saw 12 more deer and had five of those move to the failed red oak stand and lounge.

The next day I went to WalMart and got an Ameristep ladder stand. By late that afternoon I had it in place against the oak.

I'd always stayed away from ladder stands, but have to say that it was an unfounded aversion.

An hour before dark two deer approached from across the bean field.
Hunt Sharp


Offline Talondale

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2006, 02:20:00 PM »
Way to keep at it and not let that stand stop you.   Love the pic!

Offline beachbowhunter

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2006, 02:29:00 PM »
Welcome back! Er, that sentiment is probably not shared by your local deer herd though...  :D
Ishi was a Californian                   :cool:

Online Charlie Lamb

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2006, 02:38:00 PM »
Yeah Norb! I don't know why they don't like me... I LOVE them!!  :D
Hunt Sharp


Online Charlie Lamb

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2006, 02:50:00 PM »
Given the availability of "antlerless" permits in my state/area, I've become quite at home with the idea of "shopping" for a years supply of deer meat.... did ya know that the word venison can apply to any game meat?

I need to have at least 5 yearling type deer (preferred) to have meat until next season.

Unless I missed my guess, the two deer galloping toward my new ladder stand were candidates for a free shopping trip.

In minutes they were underneath me and about 12 yards from the base of the tree. I had placed my stand to use the large tree trunks to hide my position and was well hidden on the shady side as the sun dipped low in the west.

I looked them over and could see that the larger of the two was a button buck, so I switched my attention to the smaller one which was a doe.

By kneeling on the seat and leaning out between the massive trunks I could make my shot undetected.
It was a tough angle to shoot, but it looked like the only game in town. I had to hold the bow vertically and shoot down at that damn angle.

I held for a moment and let the arrow slip. As they so often do the deer went into motion before the arrow got to it's mark and the shaft hit behind the shoulder and high, angling slightly rearward.... I'd have sworn it would take her dead broadside and low of center.

With nothing else to do but watch, I observed as she crossed the bean field for 125 yards and entered the brush.
There was every indication that she should keel over, but she didn't. She laid down at one point, but her companion urged her on.

Given the uncertainty of the damage, I let her go and got after the trail first thing this morning. Luck was with me and the temps dropped to subfreezing.

I expected to find her in the fringe of brush at the fields edge in the morning.
Hunt Sharp


Online Charlie Lamb

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2006, 02:54:00 PM »

I found the arrow this morning. It had stayed in the wound until the doe laid down the first time. It must have snagged on a bean stem and pulled out when she got up to leave.

Note that bleeder is in good shape and was only dislodged by the snagging.
Hunt Sharp


Offline Littlefeather

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2006, 03:27:00 PM »
Ha! I'd forgotten about the rematch you had planned after your encounter with the Mighty Oak. Forgot to call the next day to see if plan b worked. Guess it would be pointless to call now.  :D   Congrats on the recovery! CK

Offline Stickbow98

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2006, 03:42:00 PM »
Jeez, Charlie...You sure messed up one of my purty arrow wraps!   ;)  

NICE GOING!!!    :bigsmyl:  

Gonna have borrow that line: "I was a tad miffed... with a capital F!"...sounds much more dignified than the way I usually describe my all too frequently occuring similar tales of just enough strap to hang myself, but not the   STAND!!!   :mad:    :banghead:  

TGMM Family of the Bow

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2006, 03:59:00 PM »
Thanks fot the tip BUD....I'll keep the length of my strap in mind when I place a TREE STAND.  :help:  

Ya might want to touch up the fletching for ya use that one again  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:

Offline Littlefeather

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2006, 05:02:00 PM »
What, no "whats to eat" questions Vance?   :bigsmyl:  

Offline Stone Knife

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2006, 05:49:00 PM »
Sounds like you made good use of that ladder stand . I like hang on stands but those ladder stands have there place. It's a great story so far looking forward to the conclusion.
Proverbs 12:27
The lazy do not roast any game,
but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.

John 14:6

Offline rabbitman

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2006, 06:01:00 PM »
Sounds like Charlie made meat again.  Save some of those pretty arrows for November Charles.  :thumbsup:

Online Charlie Lamb

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2006, 10:11:00 PM »
I was up early this morning and finally absorbed enough caffeine to get me out of the house. I stropped the edge of my knife before leaving and headed out the door.

Driving right to the edge of the field, I parked and cut a line straight toward where the little doe had entered the cover.

I'd watched her closely and from the wound positions knew I'd find her just inside the brush. I'd also carefully marked in my mind, the very spot where she entered the cover.

I just bulled through the first thick edge cover and broke out on the high bank of the creek that runs through the place.

There below lay my deer just as I'd hoped.
Hunt Sharp


Offline Roughcountry

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2006, 10:11:00 PM »
Charlie's good at making arrows like that one  :thumbsup:  
I was missin some good hunt story's, all ears here  :D

Online Charlie Lamb

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2006, 10:29:00 PM »
It was evident that the huge broadhead had turned a marginal hit into something much better. I'd gotten lucky and knew it.

Since there is nobody else hunting this property this year, I'm free to move around on a different part of the farm than I'd seen before.

Tonight I Ghillied up and came up on the creek in a different place and from a different direction.

A half fallen tree provided excellent cover and was conveniently located near a creek crossing that was pretty torn up.

I got a real good test of the suit when a coal black house cat came ambling through the woods. He turned right down the creek bank headed  my direction.

Now I ain't one of those guys who shoots every cat he sees and I just let this one come on.
He was passing me slowly about 3 feet away when I suddenly shook my foot at him and put him into hyper space.

I grinned about that for a long time.

Within an hour I spotted deer moving through the cover toward me. I adjusted my cap and swiveled slightly to cover the crossing.

With three does in front of me (actually two button bucks and a doe) I watched with almost total lack of concern about being spotted... they didn't have a clue, but I could have gotten along just fine with plaids and jeans. It was a good natural blind.

I let them drop off into the creek, where I knew they'd come in below me and pause before climbing the other bank.

As planned, they came out about 15 yards below me... facing away, broadside!

I then had one of those moments that we all dread. I twitched my release and watched the yellow ball of feathers spin straight over the little does back.

Hell, it didn't even scare them that much and they just stood there looking around. Far be it from me to pass up second shots.

I drew down on the doe again...thump. All hell broke loose as that doe gyrated around my streaking arrow, letting the creek bank absorb the energy and penetration of the once sharp broadhead.

With this they all split and it would have just about been over when the doe ran back down the opposite bank of the creek and stood in an opening at 20 yards.

The shot was deliberate and she didn't move as the arrow left the bow... FLUP! My bowstring hooked a piece of the material on the Ghillie. I watched in total shock as the arrow passed beneath her ribs.

I guess maybe next year I won't hunt on Friday the 13th.
Hunt Sharp


Online Charlie Lamb

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2006, 10:38:00 PM »
I'll try to post a picture or little run down of hunts as they happen... depending on computer access and energy levels.  :D  

My old pal Butch will be picking me up Tuesday and I'll try to take notes and somehow hold on to my sanity... ya just have to be there to understand!
All I know right now is that he's got some new hot spot and it will probably be where I killed my last deer last year... we'll see. Oh yeah and Butch told me on the phone (he called because he couldn't remember if he was supposed to pick me up Monday or Tuesday. At noon... he'll show up around 9 a.m.

Not long after that I'll be heading off for the swamps of southern Georgia for a romp through the palmetto and cyprus with Terry Green and a host of dignataries.... and I hope a hog and deer or two.

Then in November it's off to Ohio for some of that bruiser buck stuff I've always dreamed of... seems like my normal hunting spots suck!!

We'll just see how it all shakes out.

Hunt Sharp


Offline the Ferret

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Re: The Way East.... another bowhunting journey.
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2006, 11:06:00 PM »
Good read Charlie    :thumbsup:  

When ya coming to the Buckeye state?
There is always someone that knows more than you, and someone that knows less than you, so you can always learn and you can always teach

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