Main Boards > Hunting Knives and Crafters

My 400th and 401st knives

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Sam Harper:
I figured since these were my 400th and 401st knives, I'd splurge and send them off to a professional engraver to jazz them up. I sent them to Alice Carter and just got them back yesterday. I still haven't sharpened them.

This last picture is what one of the knives looked like before the engraving. It was just floating out there in space.

wood carver 2:
Beautiful work! The engraving makes them pop. What is the handle material?

Sam Harper:
Thanks. The handles are fossilized mammoth tooth.

wood carver 2:
I thought so. I really like them, especially the drop point.

Absolutely beautiful! Very nicely done! Kinda makes me feel bad that I never kept a count on how many I’ve made…I’ll never know that number to be able to make it special.


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