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Shooting help please
Ok , after a 2 1/2 year lay off I am finally released from doctor to get back to shooting. However, I must do it left handed. Well I am about 3 months into shooting. Right now I am shooting a Great Plains SR recurve. It’s 43# @ 28 and I draw 28.5. My question is that no matter what arrow combo I try, I am hitting right with my broadheads. I am shooting full length ( also tried shorter)XX75 2016 with 125, 175 gr tip 3 four inch feathers . I have tried heavier points, all the way up to 200…. I have tried goldtip 500s at 29.5 length and tip weight from 145 grain to 205 , but still hitting right… I hit consistently right and it’s driving me crazy. I really don’t think I am collapsing at shot… Don’t know if I am doing something with draw hand … I like to draw, anchor , as nd release. I have always just focused on spot and try to burn hole in it… Don’t know if right eye dominance is playing part of problem … I have felt good with bareshaft at 17yds with little sign of weak…Its got got to be form, right???. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
Terry Green:
First thing you should try is to put a patch over your right eye and then shoot.
Thank you sir, will do .
Terry's advice is good.
In addition to what he said, realize that hitting to the right when shooting left handed is the equivalent of hitting to the left when shooting right handed. There are many, many reasons why this could happen.
You eliminate one of those reasons when you cover your right eye, which probably is your dominant eye. You should test yourself, BTW, to verify that this is true. If you happen to be left eye dominant, you don't need to cover your right eye,
The next 47 or so reasons can all be lumped under “form” which is how we shoot the bow. Eliminate these reasons by getting some coaching.
The dozen or so reasons beyond that can be linked to equipment, which means that your arrows should be tuned to hit where you are looking.
However, you can save yourself a lot of trouble if you make sure, from the start, that you are anchoring your arrow directly under your left eye. If you are anchoring your arrow to the left of your left eye, which is easy to do, you will miss to the right.
Thank you sir , I appreciate your help.
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