Trad Gang Highlights > Highlights 2008
Stan & Clay's Rocksprings Hunt
Coach Clay:
GIT-R-DONE!!! What a great weekend. We got to the ranch around lunch time on Thursday, unloaded and headed out for our stands. Well, about 5:30 this old buck walks out looking for does...
But all he got was a Zwickey Hickey off the end of my arrow. Liver shot! He ran about 40 yds. and that was that. He was probably a 10 point but he must have been getting his rear kicked during the rut because his right antler was broken off at the base, and his left was broken just past the second tine. Man what a RUSH for only my second traditional kill.
Friday morning and it was Stan's turn. He could hear it breathing, but couldn't see him. Then outta nowhere here comes this young 8 point about 10-15 yds. out quartering away...
He thought it was going to be an easy shot, but then that buck turned his head and looked straight towards Stan. Man, he thought he was busted, but the buck just turned back around and started to head towards some corn. Stan didn't even give that poor buck a chance to taste it. Double lung shot -- TASTY!! He ran about 100 yds.
Okay, last evening hunt of the weekend was Saturday, because the weather dropped to 31 and the wind was gusting at 15-20 mph. by Sunday morning. I went to my bow blind where I shot that buck on Thursday. About 5:00 eight does show up and start munching on some corn. I was about to shoot a nice doe, only when I went to pull back on her my arrow rest made an awful noise and there were too many eyes not to be busted. They all ran execpt this young one...
so I got her with a double lung shot at about 10 yds. GIT-R-DONE!! She ran about 30 yds. Couldn't of had a better time. Side note: My Father and Uncle who are both Smoke-pole hunters (Rifle) didn't shoot a thing!! Power to the TRAD GANG!!
Thanks, Clay
nice hunt!!! congrats!!!!! so the rut is in, we are here in mty and the bucks are just starting run
Stan the bow man:
way to go Clay thanks for being a great friend :knothead:
Chris Surtees:
Excellent adventure!
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