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Book, Digital Book or Audio Book?

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I prefer books, for what they provide. A beautiful library or a shelf of books on subjects that fascinate and inspire us are elements in a home that allow you to feel surrounded by good vibes. I always take a few books when I go on a trip, to protect myself from a network outage (:knothead:) but above all for the feeling that this pile of books makes me feel at home...

I agree with Noah on the practical side of the Kindle, especially for the press and magazines!

Mike Bolin:
Book for me as well.

Al Dente:
Books all the way.  I tried the digital, and I just don't like it all.  I enjoy turning the pages and the tactile experience of the process.  I also enjoy having a library.

Terry Green:
May be a small sample, but it Books all the way.  I'ts easy to convert a book to digital, as I did with Charlie's book, so it looks like books are the way to go still.  Thanks.

I prefer print, but audio books are nice for those long drives out West. 


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