Trad Gang Highlights > Highlights 2007

Designated Bow: 'Tines'

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Terry Green:
I committed this 60 inch - 64#@28 Thunderstick MOAB to taking a big buck.  I have been taking this bow exclusively here in GA for 2 seasons hoping to get a nice buck with it.  The lams are Tamo Ash, and the colors of the limbs represent the many colors of the tines we chase.  And did I ever take a nice buck with it!...a 140 class 260# bruiser ten point.  Bout as pretty as they come......








That's still impressive to see Terry! Such a beautiful animal  :notworthy:

Mike Bolin:
Terry that is one heck of a deer.....almost looks like a Midwest buck!  :bigsmyl:  Good job!   :notworthy:  Nice shot placement too! Mike

Congrads on an awesome GA buck!  What kind of broadheads did you shoot that buck with?


Congrats  :thumbsup:   A beauty.



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