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Crossguns in PA

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I agree with everyone that crossbows are not in the same category as compounds and I'll not even bring trad gear into this comparison. They are simply easier to be lethal with. That being said, and I said this in another thread, I've seen enough unprepared people taking their compounds out hunting and wounding several deer a season. These people had no business shooting at a deer with a bow. Sighting your bow in 2 days before the opener does not an archer make. I'd rather these people shoot crossbows and kill the first deer they shoot at rather then hear them talk about losing deer after deer.

Rob DiStefano:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by Krex1010:
I agree with everyone that crossbows are not in the same category as compounds and I'll not even bring trad gear into this comparison. They are simply easier to be lethal with. That being said, and I said this in another thread, I've seen enough unprepared people taking their compounds out hunting and wounding several deer a season. These people had no business shooting at a deer with a bow. Sighting your bow in 2 days before the opener does not an archer make. I'd rather these people shoot crossbows and kill the first deer they shoot at rather then hear them talk about losing deer after deer.
--- End quote ---
i agree.  

however, not in archery season because crossguns have nothing whatsoever to do with archery, be it a trad bow or a cable bow.  '

that IS the problem - treating a crossgun as if it's archery.

Rob, I agree with you in the principle of your statement. Crossbows are not an archery weapon. But there is the way we want things and then there is the way things are. Unfortunately there is a segment of archery season hunters who are not going to practice and prepare for archery hunting. I've seen it, Wedenesday before a Saturday opener they start thinking about hunting, uncase their bow for the first time in months, take a few practice shots and go hunting. We can't force these guys to practice, and we can't prevent them from going hunting. I know crossbows aren't archery tools, but I'd rather these guys shoot crossbows and wound less deer than force them to use bows they have no business aiming at an animal because I want my archery season to fit my own definition of archery.

I am thinking that folks that are gonna not take it seriously, are gonna not take it seriously, period.  They want a certain thing and they want it now.  Put a crossgun in their hands and I will bet that they take shots they wouldn't have before.

And how tough is it to shoot 20 yards with a compound ?   Nope, they want (perceived) easier and they want to stretch their shot in case the "big one" walks thru the woodlot anywhere near to them (making it "their deer, right?).

Besides. . .  I really don't WANT more folks in the woods.  I believe that if we actually doubled the number of licensed hunters in our population, it wouldn't change anything in terms of voting or political clout.  Hell, nobody goes out of their way to be politically active as it is now.

Rob DiStefano:
if you don't believe, as i do, that crossguns don't belong in the archery hunting season(s), then don't offer an alternative explanation that actually tells the powers that be it's ok to mix archery bows and crossguns.  

i could give a rat's pitoot for how easy it should/could be for someone to get afield and attempt to kill stuff - i sure as heck don't want those kinda "hunters" getting in my way.  

look at what happened to guru when some stupid kid decided he was a deer and shot him with a 30-30 slug.  could as easily have been the bolt from a x-gun.  

there is no reason for hunting to be "fast food easy".  in fact, it can never be, and to think otherwise is at least dangerous because hunting mixes lethal weapons and humans in the same venue as the game hunted.


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