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Muscogee County, Georgia lawmakers looking to limit archery

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"The city of Columbus recently discussed implementing a ban on bowhunting for deer hunting in Columbus and Muscogee County on any tract of land that is less than 10 acres. The issue came up for discussion on Feb. 9, and it’s expected to come up for more discussion on Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 5:30 pm. in the Trade Center.

During the meeting on Feb. 9, Mayor Skip Henderson said, “I’m against bowhunting on anything that quantifies a neighborhood. I just think it’s too dangerous. There is no real clear marking sometimes on where your property line ends. If you’re a hunter and see that big buck going by, and you finally have a chance, you’re not going to go measure which yard he is. I think if you’re a hunter, there’s tons of hunting land throughout all the counties around Muscogee County. This won’t make me a favorite of some of my buddies who hunt, but to me there are too many other options if you want to engage in that hobby.” "

Obviously it may not make any headway, but it is still being discussed.

I believe this type of thinking is a subversive way of getting rid of interest in archery as a whole.  It is the same with guns; increase taxes and limitations on ammo and shooting opportunities to reduce our interest in these sports.  Eventually, enough people wan't care about the right to hunt, shoot, etc. so they will not mind when some lawmaker proposes an amendment to get rid of a certain other amendment, or laws that limit our access to hunting.

Michael Guran:
Yeah, that doesn’t sound good. And can you really trust a guy named Skip!?

Sam McMichael:
Our Georgia lawmakers are supposed go be smarter than this.

ozy clint:
"This is my opinion and therefore it should be law"


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