Topic Archives > Memorable Hunts
!!!...Michael Frame's Trad Gang Wish Hunt...Live Update...!!!
Steve Pray:
OK guys here we go. I'm leaving in a few minutes to head up to Michigan's U.P. to hunt with our wish kid Michael Frame.
Remember guys this hunt is happening because of the generousity of so many here that not only helped to pay for Michael's hunt but also set him up with all his equipment for this hunt. This is to be Benefit4Kids first true trad hunt with an outdoor wish kid.
I have my notebook and camera with me and will do everything I can to update you here on this thread as Michael's hunt progresses. I hope you all enjoy sharing with us the excitement in this young man you have all done so much for.
Steve Pray
President, Benefit4Kids
P.S. While we're on this hunt please remember and pray for our dear friend Bill Wooster for it is he that set this hunt up. It is Bill who should be hunting with Michael but due to medical problems he can't make it. I'm taking a couple of special arrows for Michael and I to send to the North Star for Bill along with a prayer that his treatments are successful. I'll post here the time that we'll do that so that anyone who cares to join us with an arrow of their own can do so. I love ya brother Bill.
Looking forward to hereing how it goes.It's really too bad Bill can't be there , but he could'nt have picked a better guy to take his place.
Good Luck Guys
George D. Stout:
Prayers following. Some great folks on here, that's for sure. George
You go, Steve!
Good luck Steve and Michael! Thunder Bill is in my prayers!
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