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I found the letter


This is a followup on the post I made on Feb. 23,2021. I was looking through some boxes and found the letter from Betty Ekin. It was dated March 9, 1990 on my request to learn about Howard's faith. The letter is quite lengthy so I will highlight some quotes. Betty writes:" As I contemplated writing to you, I glanced back thru some of Howard's letters and found the following notations: Howard wrote "There is only one that can give us the correct answers to all our problems, and I feel that you know that God is our only true salvation, and we can reach him only through our Savior Jesus Christ. We can only do our best with His help and leave the rest to Him. One thing we want you to know, we are pulling and praying for you always." Betty writes: " Howard's words were a great encouragement both to my husband and I thru the years." " I hope and pray that the above will be of some inspiration to you (me) in your Christian walk. Love, in Him. Betty Ekin. I hope this post will inspire all of you in your bowhunting and your walk with our amazing Savior. Doug.

Thanks for sharing.  :thumbsup:


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