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Reverse handle brace height


I recently purchased a reverse handle asl longbow.  Was wondering how to properly measure brace height on this type of longbow. 
I can't seem to find anything online.  Or is there no difference than a regular asl?  Thanks

Hi Mailman, welcome to TradGang!

AFAIK, brace height is measured the same for all recurves or longbows built in the Western traditional style.  Brace height is the distance from the string at brace to the pivot point of the bow, which is generally the lowest point on the grip.  Of course, different bows have different recommended brace heights, and in the end it is up to the individual shooter to fine tune it from there.

You will probably get more responses if you repost this question in PowWow, as that section of the forum deals more with equipment questions.  This section deals more with how to shoot the bow.


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