Trad Gang Highlights > Highlights 2005
***Daily Hunt Pics and Stories 2005***
Well, we rolled out of 04 at Midnight which ended the daily hunt pics for the year. It was fantastic! Lets start seeing those hunt pics for this year, 2005. Good luck in the year ahead! CK
A wonderful idea, unfortunately I probably won't have any hunting pictures to post until this spring but I do love seeing other folks adventures. I think the 04 version of this is the best thread I have seen on the internet! :thumbsup: Joseph
Curtis , you are so right sir, I tried out a new bow shop in Baton Rouge yesterday and guys said ya dont kill anything with those do ya ...I didnt pay the young lad any mind....all I wanted was some feathers to make Mason some arrows ...and I got 10 min lecure on how it doest pay for him to stock them...well I will never go back, Im sorry...nice guy , he was just hell bent on his way of thinking...I just the pics fixing to make some of my hunts very shortly...mark
Steve Humphrey:
:thumbsup: Curtis, glad to hear this thread is continuing it's one I look for everytime I log on. Seems there is an open season somewhere all the time. Anxiously waiting for new pics.
Terry Green:
I had fun this 1st morn of 2005. Decided to hunt on the ground about 5 yards from my treestand. The leaves hung on the trees through the 1st week in December for some reason this season, but now my tree in the saddle leaves me feeling a little skylighted.
I hunkered early in hoping to catch them moving just at daylight, and figured they'd move/feed again mid-morn since the moon was out late last night.
About 8:15, I decided to sneak back to the truck during the lull, and get my camera...and the thermos of coffee my dad gave me when we split up this morning. Coffee in ground blinds is a treat at times.
I snuck back in, and took the pic with my camera on my tree stand back in 'the hole', and poured me a cap of coffee. One more sip left, and I caught movement.....coming out of the thicket .....right on que.
"Here they come"......'hey, whats up....why are ya'll not going through the saddle?...why are ya'll coming straight at me?...turn left gals turn left!!!?
Well, 3 of the 4 lined up just on the other side of my tree stand bout 8 yards from me...and facing me, and the fourth was about 4 yards behind them....they were just milling around going nowhere fast, and I have no idea why they decided to walk the ridge instead of going through the saddle....the acorns have been long gone.....the lead doe turned right and started meandering...yep, on a course to meet up with "Mr. Down Wind". As usual, he escorted them to safety...rather quickly I might add.
I tried my dangedest to get the bow drawn, just too many eyes just too dang close....but I sure had a fun 10-12 minutes with them.
Here's the pic I took just a few minutes before the action started as I'm guarding one of Great Granddad's Saddles.......
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