Main Boards > The Bowyer's Bench

Build Alongs

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Here is a video build along I just finished on my first bow.

Bow Bender:
This Build Along shows how to make those great looking mosaic accent strips that are sometimes used in risers.

Mad Max:
Footed riser Templates for pattern sander
Your rub/Bearing collar needs to be the diameter + the sanding belt thickness twice.

Here is the link

Bow Bender:
Pat B builds a 46" sinew backed, re-curved, osage self bow. Well done and well ilustrated.

Sam Harper:
Here's a copy of a bamboo backed Osage build along I did on this site a few years ago. I don't know if it still exists or not, but I moved it over to my web page. Now my web page is gone, but this got saved by the Wayback Machine.


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