Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics
St Judes Okeechobee Hog Scouting Trip....
Terry Green:
I'd like to thank Marty McMahon for donating last years hunt and Michael Langehans for being the winner with his generous donation. Also Michael barley missed winning again this year, so thanks to Ken Gettman for his generous donation for this year's auction. And thanks to Les Heilakka for his efforts during not only Michael's hunt, but this weekend as well.
I'd also like to thank John and Larry of A&H Archery for sending me a prototype boy to shoot, test, and hunt with. I've enjoyed my time with the bow, and it is really quiet and dead in the hand. Thanks guys, much appreciated.
Back to Marty. This fellow is one great camp host let me tell ya. He really gets worried if his guests don't get a chance at a hog.....and really don't like it when you don't see one during an outing. Also, he really knows how to set a stand. Looking around while in one of his stands and no telling what you will see besides the stand, but notice the whole set up, sun, wind, cover, comfort, and sometimes things you don't even see, or might not notice if you didn't look close.
I got to noticing yesterday afternoon that he had used a ratchet strap to bring two trees closer together, and had used bungee cords to hold other separate limbs in between those two trees. All that effort was to insure that there was plenty of back drop to keep the hunter from being sky lined. He don't miss a trick.
Anyhow, I had some buiz down in West Palm and I asked Marty if I could meet up with him to pick up the 3 hogs I had killed earlier this year that were processed in his home town. Mary was kind enough to hold them in one of his freezers for me till I could get back down. When I told him of my plans, he said "Why don't you come down and lets do a little scouting for Ken". Well, he didn't have to ask me twice.
Friday night was quiet, and I did hear hogs but didn't see any. Marty was already worrying at supper time. He can't help it. Its just him being him. I like that.
Saturday was pretty eventful. We both saw plenty of hogs from daylight, uh, before daylight, till 2:30 while stand hunting, walking, and from the marsh buggy. Nothing worked out on the hogs but Marty got a doe pretty early that morning.
Marty put me in a stand last night that I would call a 'Death Trap'. Its a tight little area with good shot opportunities, and you seem to be hiding in plain sight. Critters really don't have time to see you till its too late. I love hunting out of those type stands.
It was pretty quiet for me, except for Marty's text that he drilled a nice sized eating sow, until 5:20 when I saw a wild black and orange spotted boar coming straight to me. He milled around a bit and I considered shooing him if nothing else showed soon as he had a lot of character and looked like a carnival clown. After about a minute of watching him in range I saw movement from the same exact direction, but all I could see was HEAD!
Once he turned to my right I could see how tall he was and I got a profile of his block head. No way would I'd pass him up 1st shot he offered. It didn't take long. The 'Death Trap' was sprung.
Gonna work on some pics back in a bit.
:pray: the pictures turned out
"Patiently" waiting.
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