Traditional Bowhunting/Archery Videos > Tarz Antics
The Bachelorhood was still in intact.....
GO Rogers:
:campfire: :clapper:
Heck of a story man! Pumps me up! Your an inspiration to us all for sure!
Great writing, great buck Terry. Taking any mature whitetail from the ground is such a tough task. Being 'called' to a spot is such a real deal for me too. 3 three biggest whitetails I have ever killed came after I was headed to one stand, then my gut brought me to another. Good stuff there and thanks for a much needed hunting story boss :campfire:
Terry Green:
I'm headed out for a bit...wont have access to the internet for a while, but wanted to add this...
I think those that have been lead by there gut know what I am about to say.
Heed it......its the pinnacle of confidence in hunting.
I found the same thing in bass fishing long ago...don't ask me, don't want to go down that road as its 'off topic'.....but trust me.
Back in my early years, I knew were I was going come hell or high water...and I was successful.
Nothing wrong with that....but don't doubt your gut. Hear me now...and learn early...when it calls, don't walk...but RUN. Yes, that can be taken literally as it was in this case.
Thanks for sharing the story, Terry! Good hunt & a good buck! Now I'm even more geared up for the fall! :archer: I'd much rather be out in the woods than here in the cubicle... but for now, I guess I've got to get back to work...
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