Ten minutes later they had moved about 5 yds. closer to the decoys, but they still had about 7-8yds to go before I could even consider a shot.
Again, they just pecked around, preened, the one strutted.....they were still just kinda "hangin out".
Then, about 5 mins. later it seemed they finally either just finally saw the decoys or just decided it was time to go check out the ladies. They started forward......I grabbed Miss Faith out of her holder and readied myself....
Very slowly, and mean very slowly....they walked forward. The lead bird stutting, his "wingman" just staying a step behind.
When they were within 5yds. of the decoys and about 12yds from me, the "wingman" turned around and stood facing back the way they'd just come from....the strutter just stood his ground.
I had a feeling that they were about to head back the way they'd come...hmmm...
So, I leaned over a little on my stool and found that I had a good shot at the strutter, but I'd have to be on the money as it was in a part of the window where a pole and strap formed a small triangle.The shot would also be through a small slot in the tall grass that screened the birds.
Leaning forward,I drew the GT shaft tipped with Chris' 1 1/4" VPA to anchor and released.....
As some of you might remember, I used one of Chris' bh's last year to kill 3 turkeys, and three deer. That BH is headed for the ST. Jude auction. I thought I'd try to do it again this year with the last of his VPA's that I have. If you remember about a week ago I killed a bird, but missed my first shot that was Chris' broadhead. I needed to make this one count!
.....the arrows seemed to strike right on the money! At impact, he rolled and flapped wildly as he tried to retreat....I faintly remember hearing the other gobbler putting as he ran off....the strutter wouldn't make it far, after about 2 seconds and 10yds he was over the rise, the string stopped, and all was silent! Then, a second later he flapped and rolled wildly again, this time back toward me about 3-4yds, and everything was still and quiet again...was it over?
I held my breath waiting for any more movement or sound as I couldn't see him over the rise, but the only movement that came was from the second bird running in to stand over his partner....



He just stood in the same spot for a minute so I knew it was over, my gobbler had to be dead just over the rise in front of me!
In this picture you can see the grass I shot through and how truly drenched the grass was...

The little triangle part of the window I shot through....

I waited about ten minutes for the bird to finally walk off. Even though I was 99 pecent sure he was dead, since I couldn't see him, I slowly got out of the blind, nocked an arrow on MIss Faith, and started forward....
I only made it 3-4 steps and could see my gobbler was indeed very dead just over that little rise in front of me...


You can see he didn't make it very far at all...