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PowWow / Re: Bear takedown riser lengths
« Last post by Orion on Today at 08:49:12 PM »
He hee.  I'm OK.  Really. :bigsmyl:
The Bowyer's Bench / Pic problems
« Last post by Jon Lipovac on Today at 08:48:16 PM »
As of late, when I try to post a picture in the Bow Swap thread the pic comes through GIANT, like it is zoomed in. Any advise?

Pic below for example
PowWow / Re: LTR 2025 - The Madness has begun!
« Last post by meathead on Today at 08:36:49 PM »
Probably ought to chime in. Another good time at Paradise Palms. Thanks Terry. Got to bring one home with me. It really doesn’t have too exciting of a story to it. We had two parallel roads with about 5 yards of prickly pear and mesquite between them. Corned the upwind road and was able to slip up and down the downwind side as the came and went through the day. After a few try’s I ended up 8-9 yards from one. The shot was just a little foward but did the job. After a short wait we tracked to the javi on a pretty nice blood trail. She made it 50ish yards.
PowWow / Re: Rothhaar Snuffer hats available!
« Last post by meathead on Today at 08:27:37 PM »
I think they changed the name from Indianapolis distribution center to black hole. I kind of figured that was the hang up. I have a couple other things stuck there too.
PowWow / Re: Rothhaar Snuffer hats available!
« Last post by Bowsey Wails on Today at 08:10:33 PM »
Ryan, mine arrived last week. Thanks again.
The Bowyer's Bench / Re: 2025 Bow Swap Progress Thread
« Last post by Jon Lipovac on Today at 07:54:20 PM »
Got the riser glued up today.
Stabilized Spalted Maple with Stabilzed Walnut I-Beam and flare. Red phenolic and black G10 accent. Hope my victim likes a heavy riser…..
Up for a good cause
PowWow / Hog talk
« Last post by Bullchaser1 on Today at 06:57:22 PM »
So I’ve only traveled down south twice to hunt hogs, and we were lucky enough to get a couple. Hunting our deer and turkey here in PA, and elk out west etc. over time you learn to read what the animals are going to do next by how they’re acting, their head positions and with turkeys what they’re saying(or not saying). Always trying to be a better woodsman, my question to the seasoned hog hunters down south is this:  can you predict what the hogs are going to do next by the sounds they’re making? Basically what are they saying/ normal sounds when feeding or what is their alarm sound when the gig is up etc. The one hog I shot sounded like it was huffing at me, and there were other hogs with it. It almost seemed like it thought I was a boar hog and it was trying to keep me away from the other hogs?We have a blast hunting them, and it’s always fun to explore new terrain and habitat. Any woodsmanship tips on hunting these hogs is appreciated. Good luck hunting!
PowWow / Re: Rothhaar Snuffer hats available!
« Last post by Homey88 on Today at 06:05:45 PM »
Got mine today! Thank you!
Prayers/Concerns/Honors/Ailments / Re: Prayer Request
« Last post by stillhunter on Today at 04:50:11 PM »
Thanks for update. Continuing in prayer.
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