Topic Archives > Build Alongs

1st longbow build along

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You're doing a great job again Hera!  :bigsmyl:    :thumbsup:

Great job Hera!   :notworthy:    :notworthy:    :notworthy:  Thanks for taking the time to share with us.

Hera, man you got some serious skills bro!!  Thanks for the build along I have it booked marked so when I start building a long bow in a couple months I'll have something to use a reference.

Jason Lester:

--- Quote --- I encourage my self to start again
--- End quote ---
Hera my freind, You have encourged many I am sure. In fact I hope to get my self together enough to try to build one this winter.

BTW what is the saw you use? That is a nice looking saw. Seems to be just the trick.

Great job hera but don't give up on the longbows you do good work and you will get it right.


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