First of all you need to define the term “Performance” . Even though the term performance is generally synonymous with arrow speed and hand shock, overall performance should include smoothness of draw and stacking point in the limbs. The string angle at full draw is another important factor. This part is typically measured by doing a DFC chart, and then running the bow through the shooting machine using a chronograph to determine you arrow speed. After transferring that data . There are spread sheets available that will show the amount of stored energy, and KE and a percentage of dynamic efficiency results.
But….. different limb shapes, or limb designs, store energy differently. Some store the energy along a longer section of the limb. Others store most of the energy in a shorter working section of the limb. In my experience building glass and carbon backed bows is that these shorter working limb designs typically have higher performance…..
But ……the key to getting that higher performance in the form of arrow speed is actually transferring that stored energy into the arrow shaft, and the only way to do that efficiently is by having enough string tension, or preload on the limbs to stop the forward motion of the limbs dead.
This is where things start getting debatable…. There are a lot of things to factor in that determines how much preload is needed to stop the forward limb travel. Manipulating the distance of the limb travel, and minimizing the forward motion is a big factor. Just lengthening a string will do this a bit. But you’ll see a lot more results by pushing the working section of your limb out further on towards the tips. This is especially true on long bows and hybrid long bows. But it applies to recurve designs too.
Then you have to factor in the actual mass weight of the limb tips to the pre load. Generally speaking, this is why bows in the 50-60 pound draw weights or higher yield much better performance than a 35-40# bow across the board on design.
You can use lighter weight core materials or carbon fiber, and narrow the width profile to lower your limbs mass weight too. This typically helps performance.
Now where things start getting crazy is when we start talking about super curve designs, and these Asian bow designs. The mass weight of the limb tips are mitigated by shape of the limbs at brace, and that longer string curls around the limb tips. The actual forward motion of these limbs do not start until the string lifts off the belly of the limbs. I’m sure some of you that have studied these designs are familiar with the term “Lift off”. ….
This term lift off and actual string length touching the belly side of the curl applies to static tip recurve design too. But it’s a balancing act getting the stability you need as you increase the size of the hook and push your tip notches out further.
But this is a totally different rabbit hole to go down, and one I’m not experienced in myself. So I cannot speculate further on these. The stability requirements to build these super hook bows typically require carbon backing belly and back, and they are not known to be real good for longevity. You guys can have that rabbit hole. Too expensive for this kid to dive into.
The Asian horn bows have incredible performance, but you need to be a ninja just to get a string on them…A different class of their own…. Kirk