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Author Topic: Threat to our hunting rights?  (Read 15337 times)

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2015, 05:29:00 PM »

Offline Bama Recurve

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2015, 05:54:00 PM »
I find this post very appealing.
We all discuss politics and current events at hunting camp. Why not here?
I'm still in my 20's. I hope many years from now I can take my grandchildren hunting as my grandfather took me.
"Relax and pick a spot"

Offline LB_hntr

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2015, 06:48:00 PM »
Thanks for posting this. I was not aware of this until your post. I will be researching this and fighting any way I can.  Just made my last payment for my lifetime NRA membership.
So tired of all the anti gun stuff, anti hunting stuff, etc. Just imagine what could be done if all the anti this or that was directed to planting food, fighting poverty, support for wounded, programs for children, etc.

Offline DK

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2015, 07:18:00 PM »

I posted this thread because I love this site.. & my country!!! I come hear as well to hear about archery related topics foremost! If I have offended anyone I certainly apologize but our country seems to be at war on our heritage & personal freedoms... Our gun rights and our internet freedom as well with this new FCC net neutrality government regulation of the are at stake...that actually passed today I do believe ... Which if we are not made aware it will affect the freedom to come here and surf the net at free will.... It won't be the same if our government takes over the Internet .....that being said I don't post on these subjects normally if at all because its just come out ... I just wanted to make you all aware ... And at some point we are going to have to take a stand and fight for our rights ..... Just be aware and know what we are in for! We have many veterans on this site and I salute your service to this country!!! I am just bringing this issue to your attention .... If the government are allowed to ban bullets, control our Internet .... What's next? Our longbows, recurves .... Our hunting rights? Again, I am sorry if I offended anyone, but the affordable care act was passed on a bunch of lies ... Just be aware! Once its done ... its done! its very hard to unravel!

 God  Bless

Online Orion

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2015, 08:07:00 PM »
Fox news.  That's an oxymoron.  Nothing like crying fire in a crowded theatre.  Not to worry, the NRA will save us. That is if it can take some time away from its efforts to legalize crossbows in every state in the nation.

Don't know many folks who hunt with a 5.56.  It's not a threat to hunting rights.  We have thousands of other calibers to choose from.  Regardless this isn't trad bowhunting related.

Why is it you want to pay big conglomerates more money to use the internet, or perhaps have them tell you you can't use it at all.  The net neutrality ruling protects the little guy.  Likewise with the Affordable Care Act.  Government does that.  Looks out for the folks who can't or don't know how to take care of themselves.  Maybe you would like to take on AT&T and Verizon and the big health insurance companies on your own.  I'm astounded. This isn't traditional bowhunting related either.

Offline pinky

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2015, 08:41:00 PM »
Originally posted by TSP:
Sorry, but I don't see where this topic is archery-related so...why come here with it? [dunno]
I think if you are going to throw this thread topic out there onto a Traditional Archery site you should at least site your source.
I'm here in MT and have my rifles too.
Disappointed that this is still a thread.
Martin Hatfeild TD (bearings)RC
Trails End     (Good Medicine) RC
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Offline Bladepeek

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2015, 08:46:00 PM »
Same here. Tell me again how you use steel core .223 ammo for hunting. I for one am sick and tired of the steel gongs being shot up at our little gun club. I'm a life member of NRA too, but we need to pick our fights. I won't back this one.

Lets turn this back into a trad archery site.
60" Bear Super K LH 40#@28
69" Matt Meacham LH 42@28
66" Swift Wing LH 35@28
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62"/58" RER LXR LH 44/40@28

Offline riverrat 2

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2015, 08:56:00 PM »
Let it all go down. Honestly. All you hear,and see is fear breeding,and negative consumption. Our freedoms are frayed. Good men died for those. It does not matter in a lot of ways. Veterans are not treated fair,and liberal media has the pulse of the masses anymore. Let it all go down. I've got a bunch of beans. I can hole up for a long,long time. I know you boys can to. I buy ammo any time I see it for the guns I own. The United Nations Building has a revolver statue in front of it with the barrel tied in a knot. Fact. Just be ready. Something bad,and unprecedented could happen these days. You should have a plan for yourself,and family.  rat'
Make certain your exhausted when you reach them Pearly Gates.

Offline Scott Barr

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #28 on: February 26, 2015, 09:00:00 PM »
Moderators:  please pull this thread.  Way too much opinion and politics and not enough about archery. The positivity between bowhunters is eroding.

Offline charles m

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2015, 09:01:00 PM »
Astounded?  Yes, all those that died whipping the British so we could live under our OWN constitution, and NOT the stroke of a pen from a so called king.

What do I have to say????

Bhaaa, Bhaaa, follow your king and his henchmen and henchwomen off a cliff.

Offline GWV

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2015, 09:03:00 PM »
DK, it's a shame you even feel the need to apologize.  Brother, that's the way you feel and nothing wrong with that.  We do all need to stick together whether you shoot a Black Widow or a Black Rifle.  They get the m855, then they go after another one.  Of course, this is only my opinion but I did serve and fight for my country and am an NRA Life member.  

P.S.  I like the thread!

Offline charles m

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2015, 09:25:00 PM »
Fox New and The Blaze = NY Strips and T-Bones.

All other news media = tofu, rice cakes and jello.

Don't believe me? How come what Fox and Blaze keep predicting actually come true?

While other media outlets want you to believe we are living a Shakespeare play, 'Much Ado about Nothing' !!!

Offline Krex1010

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2015, 09:34:00 PM »
The 2nd amendment was not written to protect our ability to hunt. It was written so we the citizens could  protect ourselves if our government should fail or turn against us.
"You can't cheat the mountain pilgrim"

Offline Bladepeek

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2015, 09:35:00 PM »
Anyone who claims to be a supporter of our right to keep and bear arms, but says he wasn't aware of this isn't much of a supporter. The NRA, NSSF (National Shooting Sports Federation), major ammo retailers and every conservative form of media have all been screaming about this for quite a while. This just is not the forum. It's like reading truck evaluations in a gun magazine. That's not why I subscribe.
60" Bear Super K LH 40#@28
69" Matt Meacham LH 42@28
66" Swift Wing LH 35@28
54" Java Man Elk Heart LH 43@28
62"/58" RER LXR LH 44/40@28

Offline charles m

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2015, 09:43:00 PM »
Originally posted by Krex1010:
The 2nd amendment was not written to protect our ability to hunt. It was written so we the citizens could  protect ourselves if our government should fail or turn against us.
So why are they banning arms and ammo to protect ourselves against our own government?  That is even scarier!!!!  Wake UP!

What caliber won the west?  Same caliber that's killed more big game than any other.

Again, WAKE UP!!!


Offline don kauss

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2015, 09:44:00 PM »

Your Chicken from McDonald's, Tyson Foods, or Perdue Farms spent most of it's life stuffed in a cage with three or four others, occupying a space about the size of a book page...None for me, thanks...

Offline VA Elite

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2015, 09:59:00 PM »
It's all in the Bible. I rest in my faith, I know HE has complete control of all things. Our country is destined to fall. As are all others. It's part of HIS unique plan. Read Revelations and then you will have a true understanding of what is about to happen to this world. In the mean time, I have a recurve and some arrows that need to be tuned to perfection.
If you profess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved Romans 10:9

Offline Krex1010

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2015, 10:01:00 PM »
Originally posted by charles m:
Originally posted by Krex1010:
The 2nd amendment was not written to protect our ability to hunt. It was written so we the citizens could  protect ourselves if our government should fail or turn against us.
So why are they banning arms and ammo to protect ourselves against our own government?  That is even scarier!!!!  Wake UP!

What caliber won the west?  Same caliber that's killed more big game than any other.

Again, WAKE UP!!!

BHAAAAA!!!! [/b]
I'm against any gun/ammo ban. What's next? .308? 30-06? .223? 30-40 krag? Fast flight strings? The fact that our president would use executive order to so blatantly sidestep the Bill of Rights should scare the quivers off every member here. My point was that people shrug off a ban like this because "there's plenty of other legal bullets to hunt with" and to me the 2nd amendment isn't about hunting. Today it's .556, in 50 years flintlocks could be illegal
"You can't cheat the mountain pilgrim"

Offline Lassiter

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2015, 10:36:00 PM »
Originally posted by Sam McMichael:
I think your comments are very relevant to our bowhunting rights and liberties in general. God, I long for the America I grew up in during the 50's!
+1......Amen Brother!

Offline eidsvolling

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Re: Threat to our hunting rights?
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2015, 10:47:00 PM »
The following is posted at the top of [the PowWow forum where this thread was originally started.] Apparently some of you haven't read it or have chosen willfully to ignore it. I suggest you read this quickly now while you still can before I alert the moderators to this thread's existence. Once that happens, you'll have to expend all that physical effort clicking your way through to      *** OFF TOPIC info *** - and newbie info  in order to GET THE MESSAGE:

"Lately, with the wave of new people coming to Trad Gang, I feel there needs to be a review of what Trad Gang is about.........
"No Religious posts.

"No Political posts.

No non Trad Bowhunting equipment (compounds, crossbows, mech heads, lazer sites, guns, etc...or even pics)

"Again, those categories above are off topic, and will always be off topic unless we approve a specific thread for a needy reason. Please help us help you by keeping the site on topic...Trad Bowhunting.

"Trad Gang is a special place, and to keep it a special place it takes work from everyone, including the members. Try and understand that when your post is pulled, it is NOT personal, we are only trying to be consistent and fair as we can for the site's sake. No need to get bent out of shape, no need to go bizerk or explode."

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